Begin OCR Text:
FA U __ __A_ _ _ _
(Used together with the fault-tracing scheme)
It is important to ga_n as much information as pos-
s_ble in the prec_se nature of any fault If posg_ble.
go out _n the car w_th the customer and get him to
demonstrate the fault ln all cases, the following
road-test procedure should be carr_ed out com-
pletely as there may be more than one fault
TEST NO. ,o,,o
1 Check that the starter only operates with the F_g. ___$. p,_,,,p_, d,,g,g_ _o, _,,__ _,,,,,g '''''
selector _n _ P ' and '' N'' and that the reverS_ng 1 Fronr elureh g_ves ,sr gear
_,ght ope,ateg o,_y ,, ,_ Ri_ 2 Flont brake band glve8 2nd gear
S Rear clutch g_ves 3rd gear
2 App_y the b,akeg and. w,th the e,g_,e ,u,n,,g R Rear brake band g_ves re,ene and eng_ne brak_ng In 'L''
at normal _dl_ng speed select '' N-D''. _ N-L''
and '' N-R ' Transmission engagement should
be Fe_t ,, eaçh pog,t,o, ge_eçted C At 5O km p h (3O m p h ) in 3rd gear. depress
3 Ch k h the accelerator to the k_ck-down posi_ons The
eC t e COnVe_er Stall Speed with the tranS-
.. tranSmISSlon ShoUld downShift to 2nd gear
mISSIOn In L and '' R'' CheCk FOr Sllp Or ClUtCh
gq,awk d At 25 km p h (15 m p h ) ,n 3rd gear, depreSS
Note Do ,ot gta__ Fo, _onge, tha, 1 o geço,de the aCCelefatof to the k_Ck-down poSItlon The
o, the t,a,gm_gg,o, w,__ ove,heat tranSmISSlOn ShOUld doWnSh_ft to 1 St gear
q w,th the t,3,gm,eg,o, at ,o,ma_ ,u,,_ng tempe- 7a Stop and restart us_ng forced throttle accelera-
,at,,e, ge_eçt __ D Re_eage the b,akeg a,d aç- tlon CheCk fof 1_2 and 2-3 8hiftS aCCofdIng
çe_e,ate w_th m,,_mum th,ott_e ope,_ng Cheçk tO the Shlft Speed table In the ' SpeCIfICatIonS''.
for 1-2 and 2-3 gh_ftg Note At m_,_mum b At 65 km p h (4O m p h ) _n 3rd gear. release
thrott_e open_ngg, the gh,_g may be d,Ff,çu_t to the aCCelerator and select ' L''. Check for _2
detect Conf_rmat_on that the trangm_ggion ,g _, dOwnsh_ft and engine brak_ng Check for rollout
3rd gear may be obtained by geIeçt_ng _ L_ . 2-1 downshift at about 8 km p h (5 m p h ) and
whe, a _2 downgh__ ghou_d be fe_t engIne brakIng.
5 At just over 5o km p h (3o m p h ), select _ N'_. 8 StoP. and with '' L'' still engaged. release brakes
switch off the _gnit_on and _et the car coagt. At and. USlng full throttle. accelerate to 3O km p h
5O km p h (3O m p h sw_tch on the ign,tion and (2O m P_h ) Check for no sl_p or clutch s_uawk
select '' D' The eng_ne ghould the, gta_ th,ough and nO upSh_ftS
the rear wheels, _nd_cat_ng that the rear o_l 9 Stop and select ' R'' Release brakeg and re-
pump of the transmiss_on is operating verse using full throttle _f possibIe Check for
6a Stop a,d ,egta,t ugi,g fu__ th,ott_e aççe_e,at,o, no sl_p or clutch S_uawk.
Check for 1-2 and 2-3 shifts according to 1 O Stop on the brakes facing downsh_ft on a grgd,-
the shift speed table _n the _ Specificat,ons'' ent and select _ P'' Release the b,akeg a,d
b At 4O km.p h (25 m p h ) in 3rd gear. depress check that the parking pawl w,ll hold the car
the acceleration to full throttle posit_on The car Re-apply the brakes before d_eengag,ng the
should downsh_ft to 2nd gear Repeat at 65 park_ng pawl. Repeat w_th the car façing up h,ll
km p h (4O m p h ) The car should accelerate Check that the eelector _s trapped by the gate
in 3rd gear and should not downsh,ft to 2nd ,n _ P'' _ 45