Begin OCR Text:
Fjg. __. _ea_ Ciutt_ digmgntled '_'_''
'_ _. _ __ l
F,g. __o2. ,,g_glll,g rear Clutth and tonI$rd 9U, 9e$r grVO'''_U_''Pt'1'_'
A. Rear ctutch
p_ h F t d_ th t bear_ng on the _. _eedla thrUSt bearingS
1 5 açe t e ron nee e fUS l
_ _ Thrust waaher pl8te
,ea, gun gear gha_. fit the Shaft in the reaf
ç_utçh agee_bly. Install the oil seal ing f_ng S_ _ 6. _neta__ the ,ea, need_e thrugt bea,jng and fit
se fig . 4-1 O1 _ the ç_utçh in the gearboK as shown in Fig.
4-1 O2.
1 _. Fit the geali ng ring on the piston and a neW
A o-,.,ng .,n the d,um. p_açe the p_,gton _ n the Fit-
ting ring SVO 29OO. Press it down Until it lS
_eve_ with the lower edge of the ring . fit the ,
ring and piston in the drum. Press the PiStOn
down w,th the help of press tool SVO 2533 and
tube A. gee Fig. 4-1 %. Fit the ring with the
dighed eide faCing rear. fit the snap rlng_ ,
_ g. _ngta__ the çlutch assembly with ifs two diffe-
,ent thrust washers in the gearbo_. See Fig_
_?_, o 4-_ o5. _e çareful not to damage the oil seali ng
F_g. __oo. ,,,t,ii,,g p__$_o, _o_ _eg_ C,utt_ ringg. For identification of the thrust waShefS_
A F___ing r_ng SVO 2f34 gee Fig. 4_g1 .
1 g. Fit the pressure plate. inner and o Utef PlateS_
and hub. Fit the thrust washer for the clutCh
hub and input shaft i nto the front Cl UtCh, See
F_g. 4-1 O6. Fit the Snap ring.
__ ,
_' ' _ ' VOlVO '
Fjg. __tOt. Fo_grd $U, ge8r tOmpO,ent0
A O__ geallng rIngs. front clutch _ _
g. Fo_ard sun ge8r aa8embly _ vo_vo
_ _eed_e ___ugt wgg_e_g _B$_
' o _. . _ d F,g. _t_. Front tIUlCh d,sma,tled
D __ ga8 In0 rln0, gOVernOr ee W
4 _. 4O