Begin OCR Text: _
assembIy. T_ghten only the rear (short) servo
SCrew SinCe the long one also loçateg the Cen!re
support. _ Q _ Q
_' _ _
8. ASSemblg the planet gear, one-way C_u!çh and _
Centre SUppOrt. See fig. 4-96. StiÇk the thrust 'iMO'_'__U
p_afe _ __ f_ t _ . f th _ t FIg_ h9l_ Front servo aagembly dlgman_led
_ anu neeuie _rUS uearlng O e piane
cover with vaseline.
9. TUrn the F_Uld paSSage holes in the çentre gup_
pOrt upwardS and fit the 3gsemb_ed unif info EQ_u_ QQ__E AND _ERvo
the transmission case. (Note that the ho_es point
d d . aCe t e fOnt brake band in pogition see fig
OWnWar S When the tranSmiSgion is turned the 4 gg S k h ' _
- . tiC t e StrUt to the servo _ever wjfh
right way up see Fíg 4=_4 )
' ' _ VaSe_lne.
1 O. Fit the tWo Centre guppo_ gçrews from outgide __f th _h h _ b _ . F d h
' _ _ e SeNO_ e S O er O t IS jtfe at t e
Remember that the loÇk wagherg a_so gerve ag _ t _ _ fh t th t
_rOn _ va e SUre a e SeNO S rUt IS COr-
Sealing WaSherg so that the f_at gurfaçe ghou_d f_ d .fh fh _ t h b k b d
reC _y enßaße Wl e S O In t e ra e an .
faCe inWardS. Then tighten the seNo gCrew __ p _F d. f. . F.ff d _
_ _e Cam _Or Se -a JUS Ing IS l e afer.
Iocating the gupport.
12_ f_t the Sealing ringS for the piston. Uge fitfing
f_ng SVO 2534 and fit the pigton in the Ç_utçh
CaSe, See Flg. 4-1OO.
13. Fit the SprIng, Spring seat and snap gpring
USlng SpeCIal tOOl SVO 2533, whiçh ig uged
when diSmantling, see Fig. 4-g3.
14. InStall the ClutCh pIateS. Note that the oufer
plateS afe Coned and that all the p_ateg should
be fitted With the Cone façing in the game
d_feCtiOn. Begin Wlth an outer plate and fhen
fit inner and oUter plate alternafe_y. fif the
,u,vo pressure plate and snap ring.
Flg. h95. R$ar gervo aDgembly digmgn_led l'3Wl
_ _ _. _
- .,,__,.__,___ __af _
' _ ' _ __
Flg. h_. InDt8lllng centre suppo_ and planet gegrg wit_
'W3 ~_Sx'_O
n0edle thrugt bearing and pl8te wagh$r Fig. _.gg. jngtglllng _ront ge_o gnd gbut 4__39