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__ _ _ ___ _ v__u___v___ A__EMBLIN_ The Ut_OSt C_ean_lneSS _USt be ObggfVed When aSSe_bjlnß the tf_nS_lSSlOn. BeFOfe aSSe_b_lng, a__ Çta_S _Uet bg ÇafeFU__y WaShed ln WhItg S_Iflt. uSg neW gaSketS When aSSenlbjIno. _ubf_Çate the _a_S Wlth _AUtO_atIC Tfang__SS_onU Fjuid, tvDe F''. Tlghten aj_ bO_tS Wlth a tOfqUg WfgnÇh in a_Ç' Çofd- anCe Wlth the tofqUg Çh3ft _n the ''_DeÇiFiÇationg''. uSe Sea_jng CO__OUnd 277961 on t'he thfeade oF the InhlbltOf SWItCh, the _feggUfg _o_nt D_uo and the Ol_ dfaln. LOCklno F_ujd LoÇt_te _V o'f ÇVoffeg- _Ondlng IS USed FOf t-he F_angg bo_EUR, and LoÇtite AV v__,v_ FOf the nlÇt_leS FOf the OI_ COOjef ConneÇtIong. _ote F__g. _.$g. pg__i_g pa_i g_d i.___gge i_a_giied I' M'' that Ite_S nOt deSCflbed In thlg SeÇtIon afe ag_ Se_b_ed In the fgVefSe Ofdef tO dlenlantjIno. V REAR _U__ 4. Flt the _U__ _late, taklng Cafg that _S tWo hojeS TRAN______ON _A_E_ _HA__ _ARK_N_ _AW_ _'__O U_ __th th_oO in thO __oo_ ThO_ __oOf_ _ho AND LEVER_ _I_UV__fd___iUO kO_UtI___d F_t thCO__U_O_C_ dfC_Vll_n_llO_CO_l _l_ C _. The tfanS_lSSlOn CaSe _g inVg_ed on the benÇh 5. fF_i+_+_fe +'_fVee Vo__i_US_ea___'ng fV__nfgUg_ofn __e S__a__C,U_See Cfadle_ _Fi'_____q_8_g__ E_O___'_oO ____O _hO_ d______ +h_io __o +hO 2. ASSe_ble thg ShaFt, Çtafk_nO DaW_ and _eVgfg _n Ol_j Sea_InO f_l_nO'VS'OaVfeVUV'gVfV_FfVaO___eU. I___talndOthOeO bloCK the feVefSe Ofdef tO dIS_anVtjI'nO. _ake Sufe that On ItS FfOVnt eVnd and SU___OV_ undef the gha_. _ the S_flngS FOf the _eVgfg afeV ÇoffgÇtjv Fi_ed, Centfg the OIl flnßS. The _UnlF7 body w_th df_vgn See Flg. 4-88. FIttjnß the detent ba_j iS F_aÇi_itat- geaf IS then Fltted. _ ed by Ç7feSSlnß dOWn the baj_ Ueino a ghofEUR _ength OF tUblnß aS ShOWn In FIo. 4=87._ - _--g___gdy__ g__,*___,$, '' DRlVEN _HA_ _ 3. The EURhfUSt Waghgf FOf thg df_vgn ghaFEUR, See Fiff. .? 4_9_ , IS StUCk OntO the tfang_lSSion ÇaSe wjEUR_h VaSe_Ing. The dfIVen gh3_ Ço_D_ete with fino geaf IS then InSta_led Into EURhe tfan' S_jgSjon ÇageU. Flg. 4-80. Inatalll_g d_ive_ g_g_ oii _i_gD FIg. b8l. _oc8ting _arIual v8lve leve_ o_ de_e__ baii ap_i_g Fi_. g.go. _eg_ __ai_ _o__o_e__g ' _ _ 4'_37
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