Begin OCR Text: _____
Flg. _41 Wlthdr8wlng tront _lut_f gggembiy
2Q WlthdfaW the FfO_t ÇjUfÇh agge_b_V and __DUt b __ = _p
Sha_ CO_p_ete, See FlO 4_0_ Ta_ke Çafe' OF
the thfUSf WaShefS TakVe oUf the Ffo_t bfake .
__. _o__vD +ko ____ _i__ __+k _ ___ow__ivo_ V4OooLoV_Oq
_V W___t_hVdfa_w'_t_heU_iUn_Dut_gYhMafi''_T_ak_e_'
CoutU'theC'innef Flg. _4_. D_am8ntling rear _lut_h
and OUtef pjateS
'alld the ÇjUfÇh hUb
26 Re_OVe the Snap flnß, SpflnO, and p_gton _F
the pigton ig f_oht, _av the Ç_utVÇh bodu w_th the 2g Re_ove the th_ee o__ finog ffo_ the Ç_utch body
Openlnß dOWnWVafdS
_On a benÇh and_b_ow out hUb
the pIStOn Wlfh CO_pfeSSed alf. 3O Re_oue the gnaD fino and take out the pfeg_
SUfe p_atg, innef
'and OUUtef p_3teS
3_ __aÇe gDeÇ_a_ fOO_ _VO 2533 On the Ç_UtÇh aS
REAR _LUT_H A__E__Ly _kow_
___ ____ __O_ ___k__n _k_ w___ _u_ u___j
27 WlthdfaW the feaf CjUtCh aSSe_b_y tOgethgf tthIle gIlnaD_ f__n_o f_eO_e_ag
lelg_.llRL_e_loIlv_e thlle_gnlla
LD fillnlo
Wlfh the FO_afd SUn geaf Sha_, 6ee Flß. 4-02. and gÇfe_w bUaÇk fhe wino nut Re_ove fhe' gpgV-
2_. Re_OVe fhg twO O__ f_nog at the Ffonf of the Claj tOO_, then the fefa_lnef and Spflnß Wlth-
gha_ Then w_fhdfaw the_gha_ Take Çafe of the dfaW the pIStOn. jF neCeSSafy bjOW OUt fhe pIS-
tWo need_e thfugf beafInog tOn Wlth CO_pfeSSed alf
F_g 4_$Z. WItfdr8w_ng regr _lu__f and _orwgrd gun gear group FIg. _&ll. Çentre auppo_, retentlo_ 8nd pgDaa$eD 4__35