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__ ____ ___ _ Vl_L9VB9 v___ Flg_ _. Fi_ture lor tren$miggion IOiW_ Flg_ b7O_ Trengmlg$lon on ben__ _rgdie 4. UnSCreW the attaÇhi ng bo_EURg fof the çonveffef w_en ___g_a __ _ t_ b h _d b d _ _ _ ü n ilnß, _e geaf OK S OU e _ nvg_e The CfankShaft lS tUrned fo_afdg with a wfençh and p_açe_ on t_e _ _ d_ h . F h _ _ üenC_ Cfa e aS S OWn In tg. On t e pUlley bolEUR Thg wfençh çan a_go be d __ an_ gpeç_ai t _ d h . h _ l_ l v_ ü l l OOjS USe aS S OWn l n t e geNtCe USed aS a COunEURefho_d t _ _ _ EUR T EUR EURh . ' OO_ _lS _ fea g VarlO US CO_pOnentg w_th ofeat 5. PlaCe a jaCk With fiKtufg _VO 2J46 undef the çafe, pa_jçu_af_u _ioht-a__oy pa_g. when the g_eaf- geafbOK_ Re_OVe the Shift Control rodg. the boK is to be ço__ pIe_te_y dig_antIed, fo_ _ow EURhe pfo- bfaCket fOr the ghi_ _gvef and the çfogg-_e_bef çedufe be_ow. FOr the rear enging _ountino _ _F EUR_ t h . h d h v_ _ _ l _ _g COnVef gr OUSl nß It attaC e to EUR e oeaf- 6_ Re_OVe the SCreW for the ffonEUR gi_ençef ç_a_D. boK. fe_ove the giK bo_tg and w__EURhdfaw +_eVçon- DISCOnneCt the Speedo_gtef çab_e ffo_ EURh_e ve_ef hougino. '_ geafbOK. LOWef the jaÇk unti_ EURhe oi _ fi __ef pipe _ _ngçfew +_e O ___ _ _ __ _ F th d _ v __ _ eügjO_ SCfeW Of e rIVe tOUCheS the Fifewa__ Fi th EUR EUR h _ p __ _ l lanße On e OU p U S a . U oUf the dfive 7. DISCOnneCt the g_gçtfiÇ çab_eg ffo_ the gEURafEURef f_anoe and çaEURçh the 3/g_I p_a__n wae_ef. i oogen InhlbItOf and fgVerging Iightg, the _o u DDef and Owifhdfaw the fealf houg__ng . R_e_o_ve +_e bOltS fOr thg COnVefter CaSi ng. the oi I fil Ief _p_ipe gpeedo_eEURef oeaf. '_ and flnally the OEURhgf bo_tg on EURhe çonvef_ef _ _ngçfe t_ V_ iEUR F t_ . _ d v_ v W _e üOj S j Of _e Ol pan an re_ove CaSlng t__ _ t EURh . _ EUR b F I_ ' _l S_ eVef OU e Ol U eS Cafe U y ag ghown 8. LOWef the jaCk and pu_ I the oeafboK EURo the feaf in Fio. q-J _ . SO that the g Ujde pinS on Vthe çonueftef afe _ releaSed ffO_ the flange. Lowef the jaçk fu _lv and pU Il fO CWard the ggafboK. _._. The oeafboK_ _U8t nOt be tllted fOfWardg othe_ige t_he çon- _ Ueter Can g _ Idg OFF the input ghafi. _ _ __ _________ _ Dl__A___l__ _ i AS a genefal fUle it ig advigable on_v to dig_ant_e ,., thOSe CO_pOnentg rgq Uifi ng attention_ ag indiçated _ by fOad-teSt_ ng Of fault-EURfaçing pfoçedufe. ,g' PrtOf tO the re_Ova_ of anv ço_ Donentg, the ouEUR- , d J S_de Of the gearboK _ugf _be th_ofouohlu waghed _ ___P____'_ ' _ ,,_, ,o dOWn W_th Wh_te Spirit. A high standa Urd o_ f çleanli- F_g. _._1. oii _ubeg ' ' '_' nggg ig fequífed when hand_ ino of gEURofino ço_oo_ A Converter outlet D. _ea_ __u_o_ nenEURe O _ _ B FrDnt Seruo releage E _ea_ ge_vo ' C. Front servo applica_ion _ __ 31
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