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__ _ \_ ______ _ _ v_oo3_g3v3o A ' '' ' l Fl0_ ___ Adju$tl_g rear bnke bgnd B __ -_) 5_ Apply fhe brakes and chock the whee_g. Cheçk that the engine can onIy be started wieh the SeleCtor lever in _ N'' or '' P''. Move the ge_eçto, / lever to '' R'' and check that the ,eve,ging _ight ' vo,vo gOeS On when the lighting switch ig switçhed 1_98_ On. Flg_ __ Adjusting $tgrter InhIbltor A Bulb cDnnected to reverging _ight contgctg i,, B_ Bulb connected to 8tarter inhibitor contgc_g ADIUSTING THE REAR BRAKE BAND ADlUSTING THE STARTER INHIBlTOR SWITCH When adjusting this band in the car. a ho_e hag The starter inhibieo, gw_tçh hag _o ee,m__na_g Fo, been intfOduCed in the body tunnel. which ig acçeg- ehe gea,te, inhibieo, ç_,çuit, the Funçti_on oF wh_içh _ig S_b_e aftef the mats have been moved to one gide to prevent the eng_ne F,om be_ng gta_ed w,_eh the and the rubber remoued. Otherwise adjueting ie selector in any othe, pogjtion than __ N__ o, _p__. Ca,f_ed OUt aS followG . There are also fwo termina_g Fo, the ,eue,ging _i_ghe. 1 _ SlaCken the locknut for the adjusting screw. Ie is vey impo_ant that ehig gwjeçh _ig ço,,eçt_y 2_ Use the special socket SVO 2535 and conneçe adjugted, gjnçe _F ehe eng_ne çan be gta_ed __n any the torque wrench to the adjusting eç,ew. gee of the driving pog_t,ong, the ça, çan eagj__y be gee Fi9_ 4-66. Tighten the screw to 1 .4 kpm (1 O Ib.ft). in motion unintene_ona_Iy and çauge an açç__dent. Back off the adjusting screw one turn. The switch ig adjugted ag Fo__owg; 3_ Ti9hten the locknut and fit any parts which have 1 . First check that the ge_eçto, çone,o_ __g ço,,eçeIy been remOVed. adjuSted. Move the selector to _ D''. 2. Slacken the locknut for the switçh with ehe heIp Of the special spanner. Screw out the gwjeçh Until ít iS only held by a couple of threadg. AIR PRESSURE CHECKS 3_ Connect a control lamp to the revereing __ghe A_, p,eggu,e çheçkg çan be made on ehe gea,boK termlnaIS aS shown in fig. 4-65 ''A''. Screw in aggemb_y eo dete,mine whethe, the çIutçheg and the switch unfil the lamp goes out. Ma,k thig b,ake bande a,e ope,ae__ng. Thege çheçkg çan be POSlt_On On the housing and switching with a made with the e,angm_gg_on _in the ça, on the p$nC_l. bençh. _n eithe, event, d,a_n the F_u_d F,om the gea,. 4. ConneCt the control lamp to both the oehe, te,- boK and ,emove ehe oi_I pan ag weI_ ag the va_ve minals, Fig_ 4-65 _ B''. Screw in the switch unti_ bodieg aggemb_y w_th o___ eubeg. The a_,, uged mugt the lamP liahts again and then mark the switch be c_ean and d,y. again. Then screw back the switch to halfway If the çIutçh and bandg ope,ate gat__gFaçto,_,_y w_,eh between both the marke. Lock with the _ocknut. ai, p,eggu,e. Fau_ey ope,at_on oF the t,angm,gg_,on COnneCt the leads_ must be due to maIfunction oF ehe hyd,au_iç çont,o_ 4 . 29
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