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double set of pinions is used to cause the ring gear
to rotate in the same direction as the sun gear. The
carrier locates the pinions in their correct positions
J _ relative to the two sun gears and the ring gear
_ (and also forms a reaction member in certain con-
ditions). The various mechanical ratios of the gear
set are obtained bythe engagementof hydrauIically
operated multi-disc clutches and brake bands.
The clutches. see Fig. 4-58. consist of multi-disc
_ _
units operated by hydraulic pistons. In all forward
gears the front clutch connects the converterto the
forward sun gear. for reverse, the rear clutch con-
nects the converter to the reverse sun gear.
Brake bands, operated by hydrauIic servos, hold
Fig_ _56_ Fu_ctlon o_ converter e_eme,tg oF the gea, get gtat__o,a,y to eFFeçt a,
output speed reduction and a torque increase. In
''lockup''. the rear band holds the pinion carrier
_ _ . _ . . stationary and provides the 1st gear ratio of 2.39;1
e_ aIti_a _OWef tfa_S__SS_O_ ,,d. ,_, ,,,,,g,. , ,,t_,, oF _.og.._. The F,,,t b,,d
PLANET GEAR ho_dg the ,eve,ge gu, gea, gtat_ona,y to p,ov_,de
The planetary gear set consists of two sun gears. the 2nd gear ratio of 1.45. 1.
two sets of pinions, a pinion carrier and a ring gear,
see Fig. 4-57. Helical involute tooth forms are used
throughout. In all forwards gears. power enters ONE-WAY CLU7CH
thfough the forward sun gear. in reverSe, powef _, the d,_ve pog_t,o, __D__. a o,e-way ç_,tç_ __g uged
enterS thfOugh the reverse sun gear. Power leaueS i, y_açe of the ,ea, ba,d to p,eve,t the p__,_,o,
the geaf Set by the ring gear. The pinions are used ça,,ie, f,om tu,,,,g oppog_te to e,gi_,e ,otat_,o,.
tO tfanSmit power from the sun gears to the ring thug a_go p,ov_d_,g a _gt gea, ,at,o oF 2.3g;_. Th_g
9ear_ In reVerSe_ a Sinßle set of pinions is used one-way ç_utçh. a__ow_,g the gea,boK to F,eewhee_
WhiCh CauSeS the ring gear to rotate in the opposite i, _gt gea,. p,ov_deg gmooth ,at_o çha,gee F,om
d_reCtiOn tO the Sun geaf. In foMJard gearS. a _gtto 2 ,d a,d v,çe ve,ga.
Flg_ _57_ Planetary ge8r '''_'' F,g. _._. p,ane__y ggg_. c,u_c_eg gnd b_g_e bgnd_
. 4.25