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A u _ o _ A _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ _ _j o _ GROU P 44 TO O LS The follow_ng special tools are requ ired for repa_ring the transm_ssion. _ SVO 253o SVO 2531 SVO 2532 SVo 2533 svo z53_ ll _ _ SVO 2535 SVO 25 37 SVO 2538 SUo z748 svo 2837 svo zgoo V_Oo_L4V_g Flg. t-51. Speclal tools SVO 253O Fixture fDr dismantling and assembling the transmission SVO 2f37 Spacer fDr adjusting front brake band SVO 253l Manometer complete with hose and connection for SVO 2538 Sp8nner fDr locknut Dn contact for starter inhibitor and checking the oil pressure reverSing lighl SVO 253Z AtlaChing plate fDr magnetiC holder when meaSuring end SVO 2746 TransmisSion fi_ture when removing and fitt_ng. see float Df input shaft Fig 4-69 SVO 2533 Press tool for compressing clutch when removing and SVO 2748 DynamometriC wrenCh for adjust_ng front brake band fitt_ng the snap ring SVO 2B3f CDunterhold for flange SVO 2534 Ring for fitting D_ston in re6r clutCh SVO 29_ Ring for Fitting piston in front clutCh (used together SVO 253'_ f/l6'' s_uare socket for adjusting rear brakc band with SVO 2f33J 4 22
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