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__ pa_jCUIar attent_On tO the ç_eanino of the fi_teig and a__ the O__WaVg. _heÇk that fhA ff__iFi_e nozz_e _in _ke Channe_ betW_gg_ the ie_ief an_dVo' D''e'Viati_o v'a_ueg'_i_g C_ean. _F If IS nOt pOgg_b_e to b_ow_the no_zz_e ç_ean, It Can be Cleaned With a Dojnted wooden gfi_k ff_ SUCh_lke. Hard ob_eçtg mug' t not be uge_ Q_nç'eV__kVi_g' can alter the oiad_uafion. _ V __ Check also thUat the oioove _ng_de the i_no ffeai on the OUtpUt gha_ _g DVioDeiJu çjeaned. Di__ _ço__eç+g heie dUe tO Çenfi'_Fuo' aj _Foiçe. Aftei _çje_'n' _ing_ , CheÇk ajJ the pa_g ça_i_F____ Fff_ WD___ _i___k_ _i Othei da_aoe. V - I V' _U' v O_ _ U Pay pa_lçU__ai aftgnf_on to the foj_owing .. Check the go_enoid wjth the he_D oF _ _2 vo_+ _a++eiy and an a_metef. _uiient Çong_umD_fion gh'_o_u____ kA abOUt 2 ampeigg. Cheçk the movem_enf of the v___v_QV dUilnß engaggmgnf and digenoaoemenf. _ V Check to make guie fhaf the F___teOig aie nof _amag_ u,,o,__,o_, ed. AjSO CheCk the D_gtong of the hudiauJiç _gyg+em Fjg. _._. F.i_.__g ou_pu_ g_$__ fOi abiaSiOn and Wg'ai. CheÇk the v7a_veg foi we_ai. Make SUre that aj_ the gDiinog aie not damage_. CheCk a__ fhe geaig and _ba_O_ bD___'___ Fffi _i__k__ and Weaf. Make guie thaf fhe bugVh_'ff'_n_+Uke UgunvwOk_ee__ IS nOt WOfn. With ieD_açement, çVkan_g_e +ke g_un-' ASSE___j__ _HE _EA_ _A_j__ Wheel çOmDJetg With b_ugh _he k_Q_k _u_+'_k_ _on _ Çtu_k +k_ kuek on _o _ke _ _f _f _ _f fh d _ ' _ __V_ _ _' UC v _ ' _ ' __ '_C U II _ _Il Ou pU Sna_ Wl i_ Centf_C Wlth thg ggai whee_ and thig ig diffi_uJ+ +o _VO 24__ gee F__g d d_ D tk _ f b . ' v _ _ _ _ , _ _ _-___ _ reSS iie _fOn eailnO bflnß abOUt OUtg_de a woikghoD. to +_e ou+pu+ gkaF+ w__fk _i___ ___ 24_2 _ CheCk the biake flng Foi abia_gion çiaçkg oi we_i _ Die__gg th' ' _ b_ . _ U _ __ Uh _ Ch k ' _ _ __ _ e ieaf ear_ng On fo f e ieai ç3gino eC tO make gUfe that fhg __ninog on the ç_u+çk t. . h d _ _vo O O _ _ SeC lOn Wlt f_ 24_2. S1ldlnß membef aig nOt buint oi woin. 3 p_ d b . aCe a WOO en _Oç_ undei the oufDuf gh_F+ _g SUppO_. Flt the gpggdomefei dijvin_o oea_i'_a_nd SpaCef. PieSg On the feai çagino wifhO dOiiff _V_ 2412_ gee f'_g_ q_43_ O _ V A__E______ _HE ovE_D_ 4. PieSS In the o__ gga_ wjfh diiff _VO 2412. F_i+ +ke _VE çoup___ng __ang __ _ d _ h _ _ __ I _l e, _ne Wag_gi an nut. io ten fhe USe neW gagkgtg. O_iinog, Joçk waghei and ge__Q nut fo a tffiffue oF _ _-_d _pm _Qff_1O_o _b _ ) When aSSembI_ng. ObgeV_e ma_imum Ç_ean_ine_ggV Uee _VO _2g_3_ ag 'a 'ç'oun'+_eik_o__. _UU U ' ' ' Sl_Ce fhe hydiaU_lÇ gygfem _g gengitjve to imDuijfieg. ' _ 'U _ ___ _ v_o4__gvgo Fi0_ 442. Flttl_g bush, ou_pu_ g_gi_ _ig. _dd. _gge_bi__g u_.i-d_._e___o_$j __u___ _ 1 D_Ift gVO 24_J _ Q'p'____g__ ___ ' _ _ _. _ _ ' _ v _ va0E _. ufll_Ul_ECtlO_a _ u___ ub 4'_ 19
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