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3 ungçrew ehe bo__g ho_d_ng ehe ouefdfive unif to Then take out the ConneCtlng fOd and PUmP the _neefmediaee f_ange. PUll the OVerdrIVe pIUnger gtra_ghe oue baÇkwardg untIl It goeS free frOm ehe oeafbo_ mainghaft D__MANTLlNG THE CLuTCH uNlT _ 1 Remove ehe çirçl_p for the Sunwheel Pull Out ____A_T_l_O THE OVE_DRlVE ehg SUnWhee_ baCkWafdS _ ' _ _ e b b d h _ 2 Remove the _nnef ÇIfÇlIp Fof the bearlng HO_d _a_lmUm C ean IneSS mUS e O SefVe W en WOf_- h h d e E3 F eh d ti g the beaf_ng body and tap looSe the clutCh Slld- Ing Wlt e e OVer rIVe Unl . e Ofe e _Sman __n _ _ h d F eh t eh h_ __ F fge ing member with a fubber mallet C ean t e OUtSl e O e Unl OfOu0 _y _ _en ,_ d _ h t F __ 3 Remove ehe oueer çirÇ__p and pregg the beaflng Igmant e t e maln paf S aS O OWS _ _ p_açe the ovefdfive vefeiça__y _n a v_ge prov_ded oue o7 the beafing hoUSlng wjth çopper jawg. RemoVe the SOlenOld and G _ _ Dl_MANT__NG THE _EA_ CA_lN opera__ng VaIVe 2. _end down fhe _oçk_ng tab, ungÇfew and remove 1 Remove the bolt and pull out the fetalner. the ehe nutg fof ehe pigeon bfidge pieçeg Remove bUSh and the SpeedOmeter plnlOn t_e _ri_ge pieçeg 2 Remoue the nue Uge _VO 283J ag a COUntef- 3 u_ngçUre_w ehe nutg ho_d_no ehe brake r_no. ffone hold Pull off the flange W_th pUller SVO 2261 and reaf çag_ng _oogen_ehe nutg gfadu_a__y a__ Plaçe the hoUS_ng _n a preSS and preSS OUt the found _n ofdef eo avoid any digofted tenS_on OUtpUt Shaft From ehe gpfingg __ft off ehe ffonf çaging and 3 RemoVe the SpaCer, the SpeedOmeter dfIVlng _rake ring. gee F_g. 4-4o geaf. pu__ out ehe bearing on the output Shaft, q TUap _ooge ehe brake f_no from ehe front çae_ng guieably WIth a So-Called knlfe e_tfaCtOf. The with ehe he_p oF a çoooe_ rdr__ and hammef. reaf bear_ng and oil Seal are preSSed OUt Of the _ Remove ehe gDf_nog f_o_f the ç_ueçh g_idino mem- houSing With drift SVO 1 797 and handle SVO ber. __fe oue eh_e ç__utçh g_id_ng membef Co_mplete 18O1 wieh ehfuge beaf_ng and gunwhee_. 4 Remove ehe ç_fÇ_ip and the oIl throWer. WhICh 6 _i_ oue ehe D_anet Çaff_ef çomp_eee hold the uni-direCt_onal ClutCh on the OUtPUt _ gha_ _ift oue ehe uni-dIreçeIona_ CIUtCh CompO- _EMov_NG THE F_oNT CA__NG nentg. Remove ehe ehrugt WaSher. If neCeSSary d pu__ ehe bugh on ehe outpuf ghafe oue WIth pUllef 1 P_açe the çag_ng w_fh ehe ffone gIde doWnWar S h SVO 2423, See Flß 4-41 on av bençh _onneCt ÇompfegSed aIf tO t e ho_e for the opefat_ng va_ve and bloW oUt the p_geong l__PE_TINO TH E OVERDRIVE 2 DigçonneÇe the bage plate and remove the pre- _efore ingpeçe_ng. ç_ean a__ ehe partg _n white Sp_r_t fileer Then remove the plugs and take out the and fhen blow them dry w_th compressed air. Pay pa_g for the fegpeçe_ve fine filter, relief VaIVe and pump çheÇk va_Ve. See a_gO Undef the heading _ Work which Can be carried Out Wlth the overdr_ve _nStalled'', page 4 . 16 3 pregg down and pull out the pump Cyl_ndef. v_o_3_v__o_ Fig. _41. Removing bush, 1out_ut ShaEt ' F_g. 4.4o Digmg__i__g ove_d__ve _ Pulle_ SVO 2423 4 1 8
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