Begin OCR Text:
R E _A _ R _ _ __ R U ___ O _ _
WO_K WH__H _A_ BE _A___ED 2. Remove the plug under the relief valve with tool
___ ____ __E __EQ_Q__E SVO 2836, See F_g. 4-36 Pull out the _arge pie-
' IE
I II_ V _ ____I _ _ ton of the relief valve. then the spr_ng and
_ _ G o e__u_e Sprlng retalnef Even the _OW
-pfeSSUre Spring
_HE K N THE IL PR w___ a_go ke inç_u _e _ in __e remoua_ __ en pu__
The o_l preggufe çan be guitab_y Çheçked when dfIV- oultl thle 6_ma__ pilgtOonO w_thn_tg gpr_ng
lanldn gpringll
ing on test rollers or on a motoMay. The cheCk Can retainer. also the Cylinder and end wagher. Use
also be made with the veh_cle jaCked up but th_S a pair of pliers with narrow jaws for the piston
Should be avoided for feaSonS oF gafety. unit and a loop. gee F_g 4-37, fof the çyI_ndef
CheCklng IS aS FO_lOWS . and WaSher
1 Remove the plug undef the operat_ng valVe and 3 Wagh all the parfS _n wh_te gp_fit and b_ow them
connect the pressure gauge SVO 2834. see F_g. dry with compressed air. Check them carefully
4-35 for wear and d3mage. The p_Stons should run
2 Read off the pfeggure when dfivino on d_reçt eaSlly ln thelr CyllndefS. FaUlty pa_S mUSt be
dr_ve at about 4O km.p h (25 m.p.h.)_. The preg- feplaCed N B The fOllOWlng UnltS are aVallable
gufe ghou_d then be about 1 .5 kp(çm2 (2_ p g i.). aS Spafe partS End WaShef, Cyllndef. the Small
3 Engage the overdr_ve and Cheçk that the pfeg- p_ston, adjuSter washer. Iow-presSure spring,
' gure f_geg to __-__ _p _çm_ _____o p g._._. Iafge pIStOn, pIUg and the O-rlngS
4 D_sengage the__ove_r_drhivel and__C_h_eCk t_hUe time_for -
the preegufe to drop to _ 5 kpJçm2 (2_ p g.i ).
The time must not e_Ceed 3 Seconds. _M_ '
The Soleno_d and operat_ng valve afe Integrally
built as one un_t, wh_ch _S replaced complete. For
remouing and f_tting, uSe a 25 mm (_ '') fi_ed epan- y _
ner USe a new seal and O-rings when fitt_ng. The ' __
t_ghtening torC3ue Should be 4 2-5.5 kpm (3O4O . ., ,'
Ib ft ) t
1 . Remoue the bage p_ate and the pre-fi_ter Co__eçt VlOO3LiVI_O
t_e o_i in an oii çontainer. _arning. _F t_e ve- Fig _36. Removlng plug
h__cle h' as been
'driven reCen_tly. the o'i'l m_ay be
hot and Sçald _f _t ComeS into çontaçt w_th your
Skln Y_SL2U3OS _ Uj&LijV_
Flg. _U. Che_klng oil pressure Fig. 4-Sl. Remo_ing relie_ v8lve
4 1 6