Begin OCR Text:
_ _ _
Fig. q__6. REnloVlng __ont 0ynGh_OnlII__
Vl8iLiV5C7 .
Flg. hl7. Flttlng ball bea_Ing In _ea_ COVe_ VJO4LiV_OU
Fi0. q_l0. Fl_ln0 _Ea_ COV0_
3_ Re_OVe the Ç_fÇ__Çt O_ the ffO_t e_d Of the Shaft_
_u__ Off the 5y_ÇhfO_'_Z'__ß hub a_d 3fd 5Çteed
ßeaf Whee_ W'_th a _u__ef_ 5ee Fjß_ 4_t6_ Re_OVe l___E__l__
the thfUSt WaShef_ _h__k +h_ __4_ _hoo___ _4_t____4___ F__ __4_k_ __
4_ Re_OVe the Ç_fÇ___ a_d the_ the thfU5t WaShef_ _h'iC___ ___
GthYeCOtlOOMthCC5uOffa_ÇUeI 5I__
UDUaI_7aßUeId_IOUf_ WttOVf_I
2_d 5_eed ßeaf Whee__ 5y_ÇhfO_'_Z'__ß ÇO_e a_d
V_e_a_f_5 __u5t be fe__aÇed_
Y_heÇk the ba__ beaf__ß5_ ÇJaftjÇU_af_y fOf 5ÇOf__ß Of
5_ Re_OVe the O'__ 5ea_ ffO_ the feaf ÇOVef a_d ÇfaÇkS O_ the faÇe5 Of balIS_
take O_ Ut the 5_eedO_etef ßeaf_ If _eCeSSafy_
fe_OVe the Ç_lfÇll_5 a_d Çtfe55 OUt the ball beaf_
l_ß_ A__E__LIN
A__E______ THE MAl__HAF7
_ _ _feS5 the ba__ beaf'__ß j_tO the feaf ÇOVef_ See
F_jß_ q_1__ a_d f'_t the Ç_fÇ_j__ Thefe afe d'IffefelIt
th'_Çk_e55e5 Of Ç'_fÇ_'j_S_ 5O 5e_eÇt O_e Wh'lÇh fltS
5_Ußly _j_tO the ßfOOVe_
!___ 2_ F__t the _aftS fOf the 15t a_d 2_d 5y_ÇhfO_'IZef
_!_____!____ O_ the _a'__5hafi_ F'jt the 5_aÇt f'Iflß5 COffeCtly_
________!___ See F_lß_ 4_18_
''_______ 3_ __aÇe the feaf ÇOVef a_d ball beafl'ftß O_ a
_!' Çu5h__O_j__ß f'__ß Of 5_eeVe aS 5hOW_
_j_ F'lß_ 4_19_
____ Fj't the thfuSt Wa5hef_ 1 5t 5_eed ßeaf Wheel a_d
5y_ÇhfO__jZ'__ß ÇO_e_ _feSS _j_ the 5haft_ _eleCt
a Ç'_fÇ_j'_ Of 5u__tab_e th'lÇk_eS5 a_d f'It _lt_ F'It the
_____ ____?
_____________ V_o____V_o key_ the fOtOf fOf the O
_ll _U_Çt a_d ClfCl_lÇ7_
Fj__ __0_ Aaa0_bjj__ aUnC__On_i_0_ 4_ F'_t the 5y_ÇhfO__Z_j_ß ÇO_e_ 2_d 5_eed ßeaf