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5. Slacken the bolt for the release fork ba__ joi,t. _ Remove the ball and the release fo,k. . H 6. S1acken the botts holding the clutch to the fly- wheeI by loosening them crosswise a couple of turnS at a time to prevent warping. Remove the clutch and clutch plate. See Fig. 4-4. ',_p_'; Fig_ _l. Che_ki_g Gurvature o_ preggure pig_e REpLA_j__ _HE _LU__H FA_J___ _. ( _) iF h b ine petro . t e earing, upon inspection, 1. DriIl out the old rivets with a driII having the thi d _ d h . runS SmOO y an eUen y an aS nO nOtICe_ Same diameter as the rivets 35 mm (O 14'') a,d b_ _ . h id b k d h b _ b ' ' _ ' a e P aY, It S OU e paC e Wlt a _ earlng remove the old facings d F. t d N _ H _ 9reaSe an re- It e _ _ . eat-reSIStant greaSe 2. Check the clutch plate. The indentations on the ghouid be ,sed. tongues should be even. The Clutch plate must The bea,_,g shou_d be p,es,ed _,, by d,_,Ft Svo not be warped. The clutch springs and rivets in _4_6. the hub shuId fit securely and not show any signs of looseness. Check to make sure that there are no craçks. __________ If the cIutch plate has any of the above defects, A'_ilh___ h _d b i S t e ClutCh Cannot be digassemb_ed it mugt be It S U e fep aCed wjth a new one. ' replaCed Complete if faulty. Check the clutch Care- 3. Ri'vet on the new facings (preferably in a rivet F i_ Ch k h _ F u Y_ eC t e PreSSUre p ate Or damaße by heat, pfeSS). N.B The rivets should be ingerfed from k h ' CraC S, SCOrInß Or Ot er damage on the Fr_Ct_on sur= the Side On which the facing lies and riveted up F Ch k th F h _ h F aCe_ eC e CUNaEURUfe O t e preSSUre p ate WIt rom the opposite directìon againstthe disc. Use 24o (g_/ ,_) _ t _ i h. h . _ d h h _ h F a mm 2 On9 S ee ru er_ W _C jS p aCe eVery Ot er O e _n t e aCjng Aftef fiveting the d. _i h F F F h F _ ' _aßOna y aCrOSS t e rICtlO, SUr aCe O t e preS- acings should be spaced from each other as i t Th h d SUre p a e, en meaSUre t e IStanCe betWeen the determined by the indentations on the clutçh t . ht d F h i d h d d S S ralg e ge O t e rU er an t e l,ner Iameter isc. ee Fig. 4-5. This is most important in F th i t Th. O e preSSUre p a e. IS meaSUfement mUSt nOt order to achieve a smooth engagement when d . oo3 (ooo 2,,) F eKCee a maKlmUm . . 1 . See Ig 4-7 StartIng and dr_uing Th b ,. ' ' _ e mUSt e nO CrOWning'', l.e. C_earanCe betWeen The clutch facings must be absotutely free from th t . ht d F h i h e S ralß e ge O t e fU ef and t e OUter dIa- oil. Oil on the facings can cause cIufch grabb- t F h i C me er O t e preSSUre p ate. ary OUt the CheCk at ing i C _ SeVera POlntS. heCk the pfeSSUre Spr_ng care- fully. if it is cracked or damaged in any other way. j_pu_ _HAF_ the clutch should be replaced. BEARjN_ jN _HE Check the ,eiease bear_,,g by tu,,_,g __t ,ou,d a Few FLYWHEEL times under light pressure so that the balls rotate 1. The bearing is puIled out w_th pu__er Svo qogo, against the races. The bearing should turn easily see fig. 4-6. The bearing is ciea,ed _n gaso- Without binding at any point. The release bearing V_O_,L_V_O_ Flg. 4_6. Removi_g pilol beari_g F_g. 4_. F,_____g G_u___ 4.3
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