Begin OCR Text: 1. Dlrectional indicators 23 CP _ '
2. P8rking li'ghta, 4 CP
3. Dlpped Ilghts 4O W
4. Fullbeam headlight8 4f W
f. Horn
6. Di8tributor (firing order 1_3_4_2)
7. Ignltlon colt
8. B8ttey. l2 V 6O Ah
9. Starter motor. 1 h.p.
IO. Swltch for reversing light
Il. Warning lamp for fullbeam. 3 W
l2. Step rel8y for fullbeam and dipped head_
l3. Horn control
l4. Alternator. M A
15. Switch, courtesy lighting
16. Fusebox
11. Ch8rging regulator
18. Br8ke switch
lg. Emergency warning fl88hers
2D. Warning lamp for brakes. 2 W
21. Warning lamp for oil pressure. 2 W
Z2. Warning lamp for battery ch8rging. 3 W
23. Connector
24. Connector (only right_hand drive)
25. Warning lamp for ouerdrive. 2 W
26. Swìtch for direction8l indicators and
27. Fuel gauge
%. Voltage stabilizer
29. Temperature gauge
3O. Oil pressure plckup
31. Overdrlue switch on gearbox
3Z. W8rning lamp for directional indicators
33. InGtrument lighting
34. Temperature pickup
35. Lighting for heating controls
36. Heater
37. Wind8creen wipers
38. Windscreen washer
39. Control solenDid for overdrive, on gearbox
4O. Courtesy lighting. 2xf W
4l. Switch for heater
42. Switch for windshield wipers and washer
43. Rheost8t for instrument lighting
44. Lightlng switch
45. Ignition
46. Cigarette lighter
47. 0oor switch
48. Switch for parking brake control
49. Fuel Ieuel pickup
fO. Rear lights
fl. Stop Ilghts. 32 CP
f2. Reversing lights. 4 CP
53. License pl8te lighting. 2X4 CP
54. Switch for ouerdrive
M. Brake warning switch
56. Map_reading lamp
5T. Switch for map_reading l8mp t
f8. Electrically heated rear window. 15O/4O W
f9. Switch fDr electrically heated rear window
6O. Side marker lightG fonly U.S.A.). 5 W
61. Relay for electrically heated rear window
62. Spark plugs
63. Warning buzzer (only U.S.A.)
%. DDor switch on driver'g gide
65. Horn realy
66. Oil temperature gauge
67. Oil temperature sender
68. Oil pressure g8uge
69. Lock
7O. CDntrol unit for fuel injection
71. Main relay for fuel injection
72. Relay for fuel pump
73. Relay for coId start value
74. Pressure sensor
75. Throttle Gwitch
76. Cold start ualve
TT_ Temperature sensor _ c_nduct_on a_r_ Illu_tration _A. Wiri_g diagram
78. Temperature Sen8or Il (Coolanl)
79. Triggerlng contacts
8O. Fuel pump
Bl. Injectora
82. Reuolution counter
83. SpeedDmeter
84. Relay for rear lighta
85. Switch for aulom. transmisslon BW 35
86. Quadrant lighting (only BW 35) . .