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Fu LL- B EA M H EAD L__ HTS A warning lamp for the fu Il-beam head__ghtg F_agheg Simultaneously with the head_igh,e. _he _amp __e COnneCted in paraltel with the fu__-beam head__ghtg 3t the step relay. Ol L PR E S Su R E The warning lamp for oi I presgure ,eçeiveg çu,ren, Via the ignition switch and ig grounded ,h,ough a preSSU,e SenSitiUe va_ve on the engine. When the engine _ S rUnning a,d the oi_ p,egeure norma_, ,he COnneCtion betWee, _amp and ground _g open. When the oi I presgure gjn_g be_ow a pre-dete,m_in- _,g_y_ ed value, the pressure eengitive va_ve ç_ogeg the Ftg_ P1 l__ W8rnlng _al_e çi rçuit and the a _ _ __ ht W rnlng amp tg S. R E PA J R J _ __ R U ___ O _ _ Dur_ ng al l work under the daehboard and _,geru pe,,,,,e g,uge A F e. _ , h _ - _ UnC i Ona eSt on f e gtabi_izer ment pane . d ISçonneçe the ba,,ery grou,d _ead to çan be ça,r.ed e .,h d j OU W_ a tgmpe,afure gauge o, a aVOl possibil ity of short-cirçui,i_ng Fue_ gauge j_n g . .,h . F wh _ ' e,i$S Wi a reSiStanCe o about _ 2 en reP aC_ng an instrument, firgt d_gçonneçt the ohmg and a çongtant D C _t F _ o o 2 _ _ VO age O _ . volfg. COnneCt_ OnS On the feVgrge gjde ehe, remove ,he Note the read__ng _h _ th D C d ' _ en ,ep aCe e . . uo_tage nUtS an attaching iron and pu_l ,he ingtrument w_i,h a _ 2 vo_, b e, d th _ t . h a e,y an e UO tage g,abi_izer. S ra_g t oUt. Do not Fo,ge, , d th b _ wh _ O ßrOUn e Sta i iZer gleeve. _he en rep acing the voltage stabi _izer make gu,e game read_,,g gh _d b b, . d D ,h e h ' O U e O al ne . Uring tegfi,g, a t e new Stabilizer fitg _n ,he game pogj,io, ,he g,abj____zer m gt _. . th th _d U ie in e Same poSition ag it aS e O One. otherWi Se the vo_,age from ,he doeg __, ,he ça _ _ d d b b _ ,_ eP aCe a amage Sta ilizer wj,h Sta l iler Will be a_tered a ne .t b _ g ' W One Sl nCe i Cannot e repaired. _ _ Never connect a 1 2 volt sourçe to the jngtru- mentS which are normal Iy fed by ,he vo_eage gta- bilizer. Check breahages. etç., w_,h a, ohmme,e,. C H ECKl N G S PEEDoM ETE R CAB LE R E M OVl N G Ol L PR ES S u Re GAu Ge lt iS most i mportant that the gpeedome,er çab_e ;, Di_gçon,eçt th d _ F h CO,feCtly fitted if ,he gpeedometer _g to Funç,_on e e l Vey plpe rom t e gauge, o,her- _ _ w_,e, gee above PrOPer y. t is vita Ily important that ,he çab_e __g ' nOt bent too sharply. A, ,o poi,, mugt the rad_,ug of a bend be less than _ oo mm (4__). _ F _t __g _egg _ H E C Kl _ G vo LTAG E STA__ LlzE R than this. vibration a,d noige ça, oççur in ,he __n- gerumene _h, d,_,u, , _ , Th _ _ O Up IngS m US rUn trUe in fhe e VO tage Stabi liZef See Fig 3-_ _ 3 jg moun,ed outer çagj_ng oF ,h b_ Th. . h k eh ' _ _ e Ca e. iS iS C eC ed wieh the WI a SCfeW to the reverSe g_de . of the oj_ ,em- çab_e ro,a,_i,g. 3 . 49
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