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__ _ _ _ _ _ u _ RO U D E_ _ R _ ngkrumentat_on conSi StS of Seven inStrUmentS _. Rev. counter, coolant temperatu re gauge, eng_ne oil temperature g 3uge, speedometer. fuel gaUge, oi l pressu re gauge and clock. _ _ - _ - -_ - _ _ ' _ - __O__,____y Fig. 3._o5. ffevolutio_ _ountar, front and ravarsa R EVO LUTl O N CO U NTE R The revol ution counter is connected in series by means of a whjte and a red Cable to the low-ten- s_on cable of the ig nit_on system and is connected between _gn_t_on co_ l and distributor. The wh_te çable is connected to the d _stributor and the re_ one to the ignit_on coi l Fir_ng i mpulses from the ignition coi l are re_nforCed i n the revolution counter with the help of an in- ductance oi l. A moving co_l . lin ked with the revolu- t_on cou nter need le, turns in proport_on to the fre- quençy of the the jmpulses from the _gnition Coi l , go that the needle po_nts to the speed of the engine. 3 . 46
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