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REMOVING W_NDSHIELD WIPER UNIT COMPLETE D_sconnect the battey ground _ead Remoue the 7 wipe, a,mg both the t h d _ D _ nU S, WaS e,S an gga g. _e- 8 connect the eIeçt,_c cab_eg to the wipe, m,t,, ,,d 9 remove both the bo_tg ho_d_ng the w__pe, to the , l)O) body. ' FITTING WINDSHIELD wIpeRs The w_Pers are f_tted in reverse orde, to ,emova_ l2 ' l_ I_ lf _6 DISMANTLING wINDSHIELD wIpeR __ MOTOR _g Remove the nut for the crank a,m on the output _g Shaft and tap loose the arm. Remove the screws for the gea, houging çove, 2O _ Ft FF th l O e COVef 2_ _emove the g h _ th t h F d k ea, W ee Wl OU pUt S a t an ey ,o vu_2 with gp,_ng. F. '''''' Remove the screws for the sw_tçh cove, a_d ___ l9_ _____ WlndShieid Wl_er _otor Fi h _ _,,,,g i_ _,,,, O t e couer and d_sconnect the elect,_c cab_eg 2 KEY 13 Stator to the w_pe, moto,. 3 Cover l4 F_e_d ,o__ _ b th th h _d 4 wag_e,, __ _,,g_ emOV$ O e SC,eWS o ing togethe, the gea, 5 Ge8r 16 Brush holder houeing, gtato, and cove, 6 Washers IT Holde, R th d ' F _ _ea, _o,,,,g ig Sp,_,,g emOVe e CoVef an Ca,e Ully gepa,ate etato, 8 Cove, 19 Lubricating felt and gea, houging. 9 Washer 20 Bear_,g bu,h _ _ iF th t io gw,,,_ __ cove, l O e fO O,. 11 Ball 22 Shaft end Aggemb_ing ig in ,eve,ge o,de, to d_gmant_ing. S.45
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