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v___ j __ __ _ REMOVING AND ADJU_TlNG REPiA_lNG _RAKE il6HT _WlT_H HORN RlNG Whgn fep_aClng thg bfahe _lghf gw_tçh, _ake gu_e _afgfU__y _evef _oogg fhe padded ghoçk ouafd D_g- that the neW SWltCh IS adJUSted COffgCt_y gO thaf lt ConngCt the e_eçtfiç çab_e _e_ove the h_ofn f_no bu fUnCtlOnS SatISfaCtOflly The dISt3nÇg bgtWegn the UnSCfgWing the thfee gpfIng-_oaded gçfewg ho__ding' bfakg pgdal feleaSgd and the thfeaded bfonlg hUb the flng to fhe gteefIng Whee_ F_tting ig _n fevefge On the SWltCh ShOUId bg 4 t 2 __ (O 16 _ O OO8'') ofdgf to fg_oVa_ Thg hofn f_no çan be adiugted (A. Flg 3-1OO) lf the dIStanCe _USt be adjUSted by _eang of the gpfing _oaded gç_fewg ' felgaSg the attaChlng SCfeW fOf the bfaCkgf and _OVg thg bfaCkft untI_ the çOffeçf digfançe _g Obtalngd 1 2 3 4 5 6 Flg. 3-1Ol. Horn ring l Sto_ gcrew _ Horn cab_e 2 Washer 8 Contact ring 3 lsolating bush g Contact was_er V,O_,l,V_O 4 Thrust sprino IO lsDlating wagher F_g 3 _oz ffe_o___g nu_ _o_ gw__c_ t Tag washpr 11 Horn ring _ 6 GroDvpd straight pin l2 ShDck guard REPLA_lN6 INTERlOR il6HT _Ui_ Re_OVg thg bu_b g_aSS by pu___ng _fg _owef geçt_on Stfalght OUt Rep_aCe the bU_b Reftt the ß_agg R_ Eu Pi L_ A_lN6 _AP_READlN6 ilGHT TO fe_OVg the bU_b, FlfSt pfeSS It In S__ghf_y and then tUfn It antl-C_oCkWISg REMOVlNG _WlT_HE_ TO fg_OVe a SWItCh, flfSt ungCffW the knob and thgn S_aCken the nUt Fof the gw_tçh w_th a gu_fab_g v_oo3L3v3O_ CfOSShead SCfeWdfIVgf. See Flg 3-1O2 Fig 3-1O3 Brake light swl__h 3 44
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