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\\\ _ __ _ / // // 1 2 _ 4_ 5 _ _ _ / Fig 3_96 Wind_h_eld wa_her __ , _ _ l Brush holder _ h_ \ 2 Commutator _ __ _ ) 3 Brush _ f 4 Thermal fusing _ _ _ Spring 6 Term_nal p_n _ 7 Water outlet 8 Pump impeller 9 Pump housin$ _ lO Shaft l l Hose 12 Conta_ner 13 Flange _ 14 Stator ' _ 15 Rotor _ .- / 16 F_eld winding _ _ ''_ __ 6 15 14 1_ h__ _ Il''_ 11 1O/ 9 8 __ _IOOIL9_9)OI l N ST RU M E NT AN D l NTE Rl O R CO NTROL RE LAYS Ll G HTl N G As standard the 1 8oo E cars are r_tted w_th two The _nstrument l _ghti ng consists of 9 bu Ibs mounfed control relays. a step relay for the ful Ibeam and to the var_ous _nstruments and _s acCess_ble from dipped lights and a control relay for the revers_ng the rear s_de of the dashboard lights Mounted in the _nstrument panel are the warn_ng All control relays are placed on a bracket at the lamps Al l warning lamps are accessible for re- front on the left wheel housing, see fig 3-97 placement from the rear s_de of the instrument panel The _nter_or l ighting consists of two courtesy l _ghts located at fhe rear neKt to the rear w_ndow The bulbs for these lights are accessible after the glass cover has been removed FU S ES The fuses are mounted in a fuseboK located under the dashboard to the left of the driver _ RA KE Ll G HT SWlTC H 1 2 v?,_,_c_ The brake _ ight sw_tçh _s p_açed on the peda_ Flg_ 3_$7_ Relay and bUZZe_ carr_er benea_h the dagboard _t _s operated me- l Relay for elec heated rear window chanically by the brake pedal 2 _uzzer (usA) 3 . 42
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America