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whiCh buzzes when the dr_ver's door _s opened and netized field and two gpeede whiçh are ge_eçeed
the ignition key is in the ignition switch, in other by meang of the switch mounted on t__e daghbo_=rd.
words, if the steering wheel is not Iocked. The motor is fi_ed with 3 brugheg, one negat_ve
The buzzer _s pIaced under the dashboard on the brush and _o pogieive brusheg. The pog_t_ve
Ieft-hand S_de and is con nected between the fuse- brushes are conneçted up one ae a eime For Fu_ _
bo_ (via the ignt_on) and the door switch on the and half gpeed regpeçeive_y. The gear houg_ ng For
driver's s ide, the wiper unit contains an integrally bu__t par__ ng
The bulzef Cons_sts of a pa_ r of contacts and a coi I. switch. The purpose of this gwieçh ig eo reeurn
When current passes across the contacts and the blades to a su_table, previouely deeermined,
thfOugh the co1 l , the armature is drawn down fo- parking position irrespeceive of where ehe b_adeg
wards the core of the coi l. Whi le the armature ie are when gwieçhed off.
being drawn down towa rds the core. the contacts
cut out the cu rrent and the armature spri ngs back,
etc. Th_s cycle is repeated continuously as long as
Cuffent is SwitChed on, that i S, as long ag the
driver's door is open and the ig nition key is in the
The horns are mounted to the left of the rad iaeor
behind the gril Ie.
One of the horns has a low frequency and the other
a high frequency.
The horn ri ng mounted inside the steering wheel
operateg ehe horng Flg_ 3_$f_ Control rel8ya
_ l . Volt8ge regulator
2. Step relay fDr ful Ibeam
$nd dipped sw_tching
3 Re Iay for reuersing lights
4 Horn rel8y
l The windshield washer. which is placed _n the right-
_ _ hand wheel housing is driven by an electric motor.
L- see Fig. 3_96. The pump, located at the bottom of
the water container. i S Connected to the motor by
means of a shaft. The pump is of the centrifug3l
Turning the windshield washer switch mounted on
'55' the dashboard engages the wi ndshield washer.
Flg, 3_91_ Wlrlng di8gram for wIndahield wiper mo_or SWIT_ H ES
w_ N DS H _ E LD w_ pE R S All switches are of the pull-push type. The switches
for lighting and uenti lat_on have ehree positions.
The w_ ndshield wipers are driven by an electric The switch for ehe windghie_d wiper hag a_go ehree
mOtOr_ The motor is connected to the wiper blades poeie_ong bue the wagher _g algo engaged by eurn-
by means of l_ nk arms. It has a permanently mag- i ng the knob on ehig gwieçh. 3 . 4 1