Begin OCR Text: _
3_ Run the distributor and set the _protractor on the 2. Pregs the dietrjbutor downwardg wh,_e turn,ng ''1i'
teet benCh So that a marking comes opposite OO the digtributor arm at the same time. when the ,i,
at SUCh a loW Speed (below 2OO distributor di6tributor goeg down about _ mm (3/_ 6II) and '_
f_ P_m_) that the Centrifugal governor does not it ig no longer pogeib_e to tur, the d_gtr,butor ,, ,
funCtion_ Increase the speed slowly and read off arm. the driuing co__ar oF the djgtr,butor _g then _i
the ValueS at the prescribed graduations. A in the slot on the digtributor drjve.
neWly lubriCated diStributor Should firSt be run 3. _urn the d__gtrj_butor houg__ng go that _,t takeg up
Up tO ma_imum 8peed several timea. Permis- the game pog_,t_ion _,t hgd be Fore remova_
gible tolerance for the centrifuga I governor is 4 C h _ '
+ _ o _ OnneCt t e prjmay ead. Fit on the diStributor
- ' C8p.
4_ RUn the diStributor at low Speed and adjuSt the _. F_,t the e_ectr,_c çab_e Fo, the tr,_gggr_,,g contactg
protactor so that a marking is obtained at O' 6 _ h '
' _ ta_ t e en0lne 8nd Bet the i0nltjon. (lf the en-
COnneCt the V8CUUm hoge from the tegt bençh d
glne OeS nOt Sta_. tUrn the digtributor houeìng
tO the vacuum regulator. Increase the vacuum _ d )
Untl It OeS.
gradually and re8d off the values at the pre8-
cribed graduationG. l G NITl O N SETTl NG
FITTt_G _gn_itj_on ge__,ng ghou_d be carr_,ed out acçord,.ng to
1 _ PlaCe the distributor in position. the in8tructiong in Pa_ 2. _roup 24. t'_
_ 3 . 35