Begin OCR Text: __
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Fig. 3-_0. LubrIE_tlng sthe_e for dis_lbUtor
uge _ogoh _ubricant (or e_uiualent) according to beloW_
_. F_ _ v 4 p_aoe a __ttle greaSe on the fiber tab and a l1ght
l8yer on the breaker c8m. TE
2. ft 2 v 3. Greaae the we_ghta.
3 Ft _ v 4 P_goe a l_ght layer on the breaker c8m. _ .
4. o_ j v _3 F_ll the lubriCator with o1l and so8k the feltS in
_. o_ _ v j3 Place the brushe$ in o1l for at leaSt 1/_ hour before
f_ttin$ So8k the lubr. felt _n o_l.
6. Ft2 v 3 Grease the washers.
_. ft _ v4. Place a little grea8e on the fiber tabS_ _.
g. O_ _ v _3. O__ the sh8ft before f_tting
g. O_ _ v _3 Soak the lubr. felt _n oil.
_o. O_ t v2 Oil the ignit_on plate.
jt F_t t v 26 Gregge the buSh for the mou8ble contacts, the pin
_or the v8ouum regulalor and the ball_
_. _heçk _ha_ the breaker ContaCtG are mOunted
çorreç__y bo_h horizontally and vertically. Ad_uSt-
men_ ghou_d be made with a SUitable tOOl (fOr
e_amp_e, _ogçh EFAW 5J A). bUt only the fi_ed
çon_açt may be bent. Wash the COntaCtS W_th
trjçh_orethylene or ChemiCally pUre 5JaSOllne,
Run the digtr_butor on a teSt benCh and CheCk aC-
çordjng to the __peCifiCatiOnS''.
fit the diStributor rOtOr arm.
_E__A____ THE __EAKE_ _OttTACTS
The breaker çontaçtg Can be replaCed with the d_-
gtrbutor fi_ed, but it ahould be done with the
digtributor diGmantled. '
_ . Remove the distributor rotor arm.
3__ 34