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Flg_ _-76. ffemo_lng d___l_g _ollg_ ''OO5L''1O' Fig 3 __ D, _ lb _ _ _ l _ ''OO5'''2D'
_ _ _ S l U Ol S 8 W t tentlllUggl Welght_
TaP Out the pin (Fig. 3_76). Iift off the dr,v,,g D_l,t__,buto, _,,,,_,g
COllar and puII up the distributor gha_ Th _ b _ h d
_h k h h ' e P ay e ee, t e iStfibutof houging a,d the
eC t at ,O waS erg have been _ogt h Ft h _d t d o _
' S a S OU ,O exCee . mm (O.OO8''). If the play
6_ Remove the lock springs for the çe,tr_Fuga_ is excessive, rep_açe the bugheg a,d. _,F th_,, ,_, ,_,-
Weights and lift up the weightg. suffiçie,e. a_go the gha Ft.
IgrIitio_ plate 1 . Lubricate the distributor pa_g açço,d_ng to the
The gu_açe of the b,eake, ço,taçt po__,t, ghou_d be _,StrUCtiOnS given in Fig. 3-7g.
flat and smooth. The colour of the ço,taçtg ghou_d 2_ Fit the centrifugal weightg a,d a_go the _oçk
be grey. O_idized or burnt co,tactg mugt be rep_aç- sPrings on to the weights. fit the breakef çam-
ed_ After a long period of uSe, the çontact __p ça, Shaft on to the dietributor ghafi. Hook,, the
be Worn and the spring fatigued, go that the ço,- SPfings for the centrifugal governor. F,t the
taCtS Should be replaced if the digtributor Fo, a,y WaSher and circlip for the breakef çamgha Ft.
reaSon is disassembled. The circlip is placed into positio, by meang oF
' The ignition plate must not be looge. worn or haue a suitable sleeve. fit the lubricating FeIt.
burf on_ 3. Fit the d_gtf_bueof gh3_ __n the d_,,t,_,b,to, h,,,_,,g
a,d install the driving coIlar on the d_gtr_buto,
Shaft_ Make sure that the fiber waghefg çome
aga_,St the diStributor houging. fit the pj, _n the
COIlar and Check the axial cleara,çe o, the djg_
tributor shaft. The clear3nçe ghouId be o._-o.__
Distributor sha_ mm (O.OO44.O1 _'). Any adjugtment ça, be
The p_ay be_een the d_,gt,_,b,to, gha_ a,d the done by aItering the number of adjugti,g wagh-
bfeaker çamgha_ mugt ,ot eKçeed o._ mm (o.ooq__) efS On the distributor Shaft.
The çamg o, ehe breake, çamgha_ mugt ,ot be fit the resiIient ring on the driv_,g ço_Iar.
Scored or worn down so that the dwe__ a,g_e __g 4_ Fit the ignition plate. fit the lock çIagpg Fof the
altered_ Cap_ fit the primary conneçtion a,d ço,,ect the
The hoIes in the centrifugaI we,ghtg mugt ,ot be lead from the breaker contacts.
OVal or deformed in any othe, way. _. F_t ehe tr_gger_,g ço,taçtg.
The centrifugal weight springg mugt ,ot be deForm 6 F__t the uaç _ t d h
d d d - _ uum re9u a O, a, CO,neCt t e pul_
e Or amage . rod to the _,g,__t__o, p_ate. 3. 33