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_ vo_vo __ _I v_oo3_gv_o_ Fig 3___. Alte_rIato_ t__ml_al$ U3B'6 _ ' 1 DF To f_eld w_nd_ng Flg. 3-_2. A00emb_lng _oto_ and d_lVe end Shleld / 2 6_ D+ F_O_ _a9ne_IZIn0 _eC_IfIe_ ' 3 B+ To battey _ 6 f__ the key, fan, spacer washer and puIIey 2. f_t the attach_ng bolts and adjust_ng arm w_thout - Place the washer _n pos_t_on and tighten up the t_ghtening _t. pulley with the nut 3 _onçern_ng be_t teng_on gee pa_ _ Eng_ne ' 7 T_ghten the nut to a torque of 4 kpm (29.O Ib.ft ). _roup 2_ ' ' ' After assembling the alternator. test-run it on a ' eegt bençh be Fore _ngea___ng _t _n the veh_ç_e N.B ForCe may only be applied to the front end of the alternator when adjusting the belt ten- i _______ ___ _ _ ____ _ ___ SlOn. -_ __ l l_ IngltWa___ thel _a_t_ern_at_o Ir _an_dWF__t tlh Ue FfIan be_t at the 4. Re_f_t the leadS to the alternatof same time 5. Re-f_t the ground lead to the battey. _ 3 18
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