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_A e_ __ _ jv _o __ _ _A H_ E E A_ _ _E E_ _u __ AA __ oo __ ig reçtified by the gi_iço, diodeg a,d the direçt çur S1 Volt6ge winding = D+ rent produced is re-fed via the regulator to the (6l) s2 Acce_e,a_ion winding fieId Winding Until the regUlating voltage haS been __ F3,g,_,_o, ,,,_,,_,,_e reaçhed Whe, the ,egu_aEURi,g voitage hag bee, 1OC_t1_X_ _ DF reached. the armature is attracted by the coil. (Ex_ This causes the contacts to open and the field cur_ R3 Compensa_ion re,t mugt pagg reg__gtor __ F_ig 3___ ,eSiStanCe (ad6pted lo ' ' ' RT during manufacture) If the voltage rises in spite of this, the armature is F h d h bi EUR RT Compensation drawn U_ er oWn and t e moVa e ContaCt mee S __ _ _ e,_IS OJ 6PP,O__ the _ower ço,EURaçt go that the fie_d wi,di,g ig D_ 4__ at 25DC (77OF) grounded at both ends, this causing the voltage to . drop rapidly. The cycle is repeated continuously ;,o,L,v,c, so that the voltage is maintained constant. Fi$. 3-_1. inner w_ring o_ reguia_or GE NERAL CH ECKl NG TH E VOLTAGE DROP Fi_ed cIamps should be used for all testing of the This test is made to check the leads between the alternator equipment. So-caIled crocodiIe clamps alternator and the batfey and also the battery should not be used a they have a certain tendency ground lead. The test should be carried out with a to loosen. A loose lead can result in the alternator fully charged battery in good condifion. The battery and regulator being damaged. When about to con- terminals should be well cleaned and tightened. nect up instruments, disconnect the battery first. Load the alternator with about 1 O amps. Suitable Ioad . Mainbeam lights switched on. With the en_ gine running and the alternator supplying 1 O amps., CH ECKl N G TH E ALTERNATOR measure with a sutable voltmeter the voltage be- C_RCUlT tween the Positive pole of the battery and B + on _ F h _ the alternator If the voltage at thie test eKceeds O 3 g ore Caffylng OUt any teStS On t e a tef,atOf Or ' ' _ h h i h k h b d volt there is a fault in the lead or contact which fegu ator In t e Ve _C e. C eC t e attefy a, Ve= ' ' h_ _ _ _ t F d d _ d _ _ EUR_ mUSt be femedied immediately After ,epai,ing the iç e Wlflng SyS em of amage ea g or InSU a lO,, _ _ d d _ d _ d d leads or contacts measure once again With the OOSe Of COrrO e ea terml,a S an pOOr ßrOUn - ' ' i.,g same Ioad as above, measure the voltage drop __' _ h _ b _ A F h b F _ b between the negative pole of the battery and the eç t e an e t. ny O t e a OVe aU tg mUgt e remed__ed beFore the eieçtr_içai çheçkg ça, be gEURa__ altefnatof terminal D-. Here the voltage dfop mUSt ed not eKceed O.2 volt. If the voltage drop eKceeds O.2 ' volt, check the battey ground lead. the alternator contact with the engine and the engine contact with the chassis. After making the necessary repairs. TESTIMC TH E BATTERY m,,,,,, ,g,.,, Test the battey with a hydrometer and battery tes- ' ter. If the battery is not fully charged. remove it from the car and charge it or replace it with a new eC G R o,e iF neçeggary. A Fu__y charged battery whiçh ig CH Kl N THE ALTER NATO otherwige in good condition should alwaye be used (ln a test bench or in the vehicle) when tesfing. Connect up the alternator as shown in Fig. 3-22. 3 . 9
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