Begin OCR Text: _ __y__
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F___N_ __E __ _E____OQ 1
I PjaCe theIaII_t_gfn_atO_f l_ _O_S_ltlOIn WIIhl_e Flttlnß On
the Fan bejt at the Sa_e tl_e.
2 Flt the attaChlnß bO_tS and adjUSt_ent af_ Wlth-
OUt tlßhtenlnß U_ the bO_tS AdJUSt the be_t ten_
SlOn (See Paft 2, Enßlne, _foU_ 25) and SeCUfe
the ajtefnatOf N B FOfCe _ay On_y be a__jled to
the FfOnt gnd OF the ajtefnatOf When adJUStlnß
the be_t tenSlOn
3 Flt thg jeadS tO thg ajtefnatOf.
4 Flt the battey _gad Flg. 3-la. Che_kl_g alter_ator
__E_V_ _O_O_OLA
DE____ ___ O_
The feßU_atOf, Flß 3-2O, IS a tWln COntaCt feßU_atOf
Wlth One UFt_ef _OVab_e ContaCt and a _OWef ong
The _OVabje COntaCt IS SeCUfed tO an af_atUfe
WhICh IS aÇtUated by a VO_taog Çol_ Thg feßu_atof
ajSO COntalnS thfee feSIStOfS- and One thef_lgtof
_ _
_ 9_
_ FUN___O_
When thg lonttlOn key IS SWltChed On, CUffent F_OWS
thfOUßh the- Chafßlnß Wafnlnß _a_Ç7 tO _+ On the
feßU_atOf. jt IS then COndUCted Vla the feßUjatOf
thfOUßh the Flejd Wlndlnß tO OfOUnd
V_OciiLovNO When the a_tefnatOf StaftS fVOtatlnß, a_tefnatlnß CUf-
Flg. 3-2O. Vol_go regulator fent IS FOf_ed In the StatOf ThIS a_tefnatlnß CUffgnt