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_he negative diode holder is not isolated and ItS d_odeg are marked in blaCk_ REp_A_lNG THE BEARINGS Dff_vE END SHIELD BEARING Removing _ p_açe the rotor _n a v_se w_th soft)awS _ Pull the bearing off with a claw Puller_ See '_,, ; fig 3_16. F,g 3_l4. _heekl,g brUgh hOlde, Fifling _ p_açe the support pIate on the rotor Shaft Wlth ES the three elevations fac_ng the rotor Wlndlng REp_A_lNG THE RE_TIFIER DlOD h b _ th th h _ F t,b _,, 2 Press t e ear_ng in w_ e e P O a U _ _ark the leads connect_ng the stator to the ,_,,ve wh_çh preg,eg on the bear_ng _nner r_ng, d_odes _older loose the leads see F_g 3-_ _ _ P_açe the new diode holder _n e_aCtly the Same pog_t_on oççupied by the old one Hold the OUt- go_ng d_ode lead with a pa_r of flat pliers (ThIS SLIP RING END BEARING _g to çonduçt the heat from the Solderlng pOlntS ff _ g emOVln so as not to damage the new diode ) _ p_ th t _ th go_t )_aws açe e ro or _n a viSe wi 3 _older on the d_odes see Fig 3-15 _ p __ h b ff th ç_aw pu__er _ u t e ear_ng o Wl a _ _ The çomp_ete _ + '' or ''_'' diode holder must be replaced even if only one d_Ode IS faulty F_tt_ l Ing oo w 1 presg the bear_ng on w_th a tubular sleeve whICh use a we__-heated soldering _ron, m_mimum 1 , presses on the bearing _nner rln9 for the soldering _ever çhange plaçeg for the two diode holders The po6jtive diode holder is _solated from the frame by meang of _so_at_on waShefS and SleeVeS and ItS d_odes are marked ìn red_ F,g. 3.j_. go_de,_,,g d,odeg '''U'' Flg. 3_l6. Re_O_,,0 beBr,ll0 ''3''' 3 6
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