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d 3 3 The isolation diode (2, Fig. 3-2) placed on the out- The alternator is self-limiting (maK. 35 amps.) and Side of the alternator h3g two funCtiong_ it aCtg ag fof thig reason a gimple voJtage regulator Can be. an eKtra CUt out CUrrent proteCtion fof the alterna used with on_y voltage Contro_ Thefe are two- - . tof ShoUld any of the SiK feCtifief diodeS Stop fUnC- types of voltage fegulatof available. Ful_y trans_ tioning; and _t makes simple connecting up of the istorized and mechanical. WafnIng Chafg_ng lamp pOSSlb_e. _ EPAl _ l __T_ U_Tl O__ _Po E_K IAo L INSTi RU_N TlOo NS FE Oij R p DISMANTLIN_ THE ALTERNATOR W R N AL ER AT R Ul _ _ Re_eage the two gçrews ho_d_ng the brugh ho__E_i . = der and remove the 'golat_on p_ate _ __ out fheI . U 1. When replaçing or fitting the battery, make SUre brugh ho_der. that the neW battefy iS COnneCted With the COf_ 2 F the p __ y w th b _t _ _th _)a. IK U e I e In a vISe Wl SO WS. reCt pOlar_ty see fi_ 3 6 _ _. - . 2 NeVef rUn the alternatOr With the main CirCU_t 3 R mo th n t d a h __Ft FF th p ___ . e ve e U an w S ef. i o e u ey, broken The battery and/or alternator and regu- F k d h _ an, ey an SpaCer WaS er. Iafor leadg mUSt never be digConneCted While R h d 4. emove t e nuts an washers on terminal 61 the engine ig running d h h F ' an t e corresponding on t e other side o the 3 No attempt ShoUld be made to polafiZe the al_ _ _ f_ d d _ _ FF th _ _ t d d h _ _ iso a ion _o e. i o e iso a ion ío e o - ternator since this is not neceesay d _ F_ 3 _ _ er. ee Ig - . 4 When Charging the b3ttery Whlle _nStalled in the _ _ fk th d _ e d gh_ _d t t d s_ _ . a e riv en ie , s a or an ip ring VehiCle thg gfoUnd battery lead ShoUld be d_S_ end sh_e_d to a o_d çonF _ whe assem__ _ V I USlOn n _ - ConneCted _ Re the F aff h C_ Ing. mOVe OUf aC Ing S reWS. 5. A rapid Charger ShouId not be uSed aS a help _n starting. 6 When using an eKtra battery as an aid in start- , ing, alw3yS ConneCt It in pafallel. 7. When carying out any electric weld_ng on the vehiCle, digçonneCt the ground battery lead aS well as all the alternator leads. The welding unit ShoUld always be ConneCted as near 3S poss_ble to where the wefding is to be carried out. _EMOV_N_ iHE <ERNAiOR 1. Disconneçt the ground Iead to the battery. 2. DigConneçt the leads to the alternatof. 3. Remove the bolt fof the adjuStment arm. 4. Remove the bolt hold_ng the alternator to the eng_ne b_OCk. 5. RemoVe ihe fan belt 3nd lift the alternatOf fOf- _g_L_,_
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