Begin OCR Text: d 3 3
The isolation diode (2, Fig. 3-2) placed on the out- The alternator is self-limiting (maK. 35 amps.) and
Side of the alternator h3g two funCtiong_ it aCtg ag fof thig reason a gimple voJtage regulator Can be.
an eKtra CUt out CUrrent proteCtion fof the alterna used with on_y voltage Contro_ Thefe are two- - .
tof ShoUld any of the SiK feCtifief diodeS Stop fUnC- types of voltage fegulatof available. Ful_y trans_
tioning; and _t makes simple connecting up of the istorized and mechanical.
WafnIng Chafg_ng lamp pOSSlb_e.
_ EPAl _ l __T_ U_Tl O__
R p
W R N AL ER AT R Ul _ _ Re_eage the two gçrews ho_d_ng the brugh ho__E_i . =
der and remove the 'golat_on p_ate _ __ out fheI . U
1. When replaçing or fitting the battery, make SUre brugh ho_der.
that the neW battefy iS COnneCted With the COf_ 2 F the p __ y w th b _t _ _th _)a. IK U e I e In a vISe Wl SO WS.
reCt pOlar_ty see fi_ 3 6
_ _. - .
2 NeVef rUn the alternatOr With the main CirCU_t 3 R mo th n t d a h __Ft FF th p ___ . e ve e U an w S ef. i o e u ey,
broken The battery and/or alternator and regu- F k d h
_ an, ey an SpaCer WaS er.
Iafor leadg mUSt never be digConneCted While R h d
4. emove t e nuts an washers on terminal 61
the engine ig running d h h F
' an t e corresponding on t e other side o the
3 No attempt ShoUld be made to polafiZe the al_ _ _ f_ d d _ _ FF th _ _ t d d h _
_ iso a ion _o e. i o e iso a ion ío e o -
ternator since this is not neceesay d _ F_ 3 _
_ er. ee Ig - .
4 When Charging the b3ttery Whlle _nStalled in the _ _ fk th d _ e d gh_ _d t t d s_
_ . a e riv en ie , s a or an ip ring
VehiCle thg gfoUnd battery lead ShoUld be d_S_ end sh_e_d to a o_d çonF _ whe assem__
_ V I USlOn n _ -
ConneCted _ Re the F aff h C_ Ing. mOVe OUf aC Ing S reWS.
5. A rapid Charger ShouId not be uSed aS a help _n
6 When using an eKtra battery as an aid in start-
, ing, alw3yS ConneCt It in pafallel.
7. When carying out any electric weld_ng on the
vehiCle, digçonneCt the ground battery lead aS
well as all the alternator leads. The welding
unit ShoUld always be ConneCted as near 3S
poss_ble to where the wefding is to be carried
1. Disconneçt the ground Iead to the battery.
2. DigConneçt the leads to the alternatof.
3. Remove the bolt fof the adjuStment arm.
4. Remove the bolt hold_ng the alternator to the
eng_ne b_OCk.
5. RemoVe ihe fan belt 3nd lift the alternatOf fOf- _g_L_,_