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Fig. 2_l%. Fan belt ten_lon F=J.f1O kp (16.f22 Ib ) A-tO mm fappro_ 3_8'') _,_,,i,?,q Fig. 2-1O3. E_pansIon tank Carefully pump the pressure up to almost O.7 _HE__O__A_ kpJçm_ (1 O p.s.i.). Observe the pressure testef AF_er be._,g removed the thermogtat ça, be te,ted gauge. The pressure must not drop noticeably dur_ .,, a vegge_ ço,ta.,,.,;g heated wate, _he thermo- ing 3O seconds. If it does, eKamine and remedy the gtat gho,_d ope, a,d ç_o,e açço,d.,,g' to the va_,eg Ieakage. g__ve, __, ___peç__F__çat__o;g__. A Fau_ty the,mo,tat should be discarded. Use a new gasket when fitt- _ __ _HE _AD_A_o_ ing the thermostat. _Ep_A _ 1 . Remove the radiator cap and drain the system of colant by disconnecting the lower radiator hose. 2. Remove the eKpansion tank with hose and empty out the coolant. Remove the upper ra- _E___o____ _HE pu__Ey _E__ diator hose. The pulley belt is tensioned so thaf it can be de- 3 Remove the boltS for the radiator (and Fan CaS- ' flected 1 O mm (approK 3/8'') with a force of 7._ ing) Lift off the radiator ' ' ' 1 O kg (16.5-22 _b.) appl_ed to the belt mldWay 4. Place the radiator in position and tighten the betwee, the wate, p,mp p,__ey a,d a_te,,ator p,_- bolts for the radiator. _ey, gee F._g. 2-_o4. 5 Fit the radiator hoses as well as the eKpansion ' N B The alternator must not be obliquely loaded. tank with hose. ' _ If an ifon levef iS uSed fof adjuSting. it ShoUld be 6. Fill with coolant, see under _filling empty sys- p_açed betwee, the e;g._,e a,d the _,o,t e,d o_ t_e tem with coolant''. Start the engine and check a_te,,ato, for leakage. _ The amount of force applied will depend on the lo- cation of the bolt in the oblong slot in the tensioner. _ep_A____ _HE wA_E_ pu_p With the bolt at the end of the slot (long belt). the force applied shouId be 7.5 kg (16 Ib.); and with the ' RemOVe the radiatOr aCCOfdi,g to the _,StfUCt_OnS bo_t at the beg_.,,._,g oF the g_ot _ghort be_t_ a Fo,çe given under _Replacing the radiator'' and screw off oF _o kg (22 _b ) ghou_d be app' _._ed _F th'e bo_t ._g the water pump. Clean the sealing surfaces and _oçated a,ywhere betwee, the,e _eKt,emeg the refit the pump with new gasket. Make sure when Forçe app_._ed ghou_d be p,oport._o,a__y w._th._, the ' fitting that the sealing rings on the upper side of two _._m._tg g._ve, the pump locate correctly. Also press the pump up- _ wardg aga__,gt the çy___,der head eKte,g_io, u,der Note that if the loWer altefnator bolt iS not SlaCken- the bo_t._,g go that the gea_._,g betwee, the pump ed during adjustment. there will be heavy stresses a,d çy__,,de' , head w_,__ be ,at_ig Façtory. Make gu,e on the drive end bearing shield. that the sealing rings at the water pipes are not da_ On fitting a new belt. final tensioning should be maged and press in the pipes thoroughly when at- carried out after driving for about 1O minutes. This taching. will ensure a longer lifetime for the pulley belt. 2. 52
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