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_ 3 __S)_P
Flg. 2_7OO. Water pump
l Housing f Lock spr_ng
2 Impeller 6 Sha_t with ball bear_ngs
3 Seal r_ng (integral unit) _
O Flange 7 Wear ring i
with a fan which runs at the same h_gh speeds as li
the water pump. Compared with this latter type of
fan, the output loss w_ll be less for the viscous type .
fan. A centrifugal pump. fig. 2-1 OO, takes care of the __),_ .
coolant circulation and a tw_n operating thermostat ' '.
provides rap_d warming up of the engine and Con- F_g. _-_o_. _Do_,,_ __,w. __,,_,,_,_ __,,,d _,
tributes to the engine ma_ntaining the most su_table 1. To rad_a_or _ _is_robuior pipe
temperature under a__ operat__ng çond_t_iong 2. ThEfmoSt8t 6 Water pU_p
' ( 3 _y_i_de, head J F,om ,adia(o,
The cooling system has a capacity of 8.6 litres 18 4 _y_pass p_pc _
p_ntS). Of thiS qUantity. O.6 litre (1 1/_ pintS) filIS the _
eKpansion tank at maKimum leuel. _
In order to achieve the desired effect with the _
sealed cooling system. it must be well filled and _
not _eak. Ag çoo_ant. a m_Kture çongjgt_ng of _o O/o ig c_oged, that ig, the out_et to the radiator is Shut
ethy_ene g_yco_ and _o O/o water are uged a__ year off. The coolant passes through the thermOstat by-
round. This m_Kture provides proteçtion againgt paSs to the distributor pipe (5, f_g. 2-1 O1) in the
Frogt down to m_nug 3__ C (mjnug 32 F) and ghou_d cylinder head. This resultS in a uniform cooling of _
be çhanged every other year. on wh_çh oçcasion the warmest parts in the cylinder head. Even the 1i_
the eng_ne, radjator and eKpang_on tank ghou_d paftS around the Spark pIUgS afe also Cold and j
be f_ughed w_th ç_ean water. thereby maintained at a constant tem_, erature. The _,
_F vo_vo ant_-freeze For çarg ig uged (_t hag a red coolant surrounding the cylinder walls is Circulated
ço_our), _t ghou_d not be mjKed w_th other typeg by means of thermo-syphon aCtion. _
of anti-frost. _
COOLING SYSTEM INNER CIRCUIT (BY_PASS) when the çoo_ant _n the _nner ç_rçu_t reaçhes a gu_t-
The cooling system cons_sts of two circuits, an in- able temperature for the engine, the thermostat be-
ner and an outer one. When the engine ìs warming gins to open, during which time the by-pass be-
up and in very cold weather when large quantities tween the thermostat housing and the pump gradu-
of heat are required for warming up the inside of ally closes. see Fig. 2-1 O2.
the car, the coolant circulates almost eKclusively Coolant ffows from the engine _nto the upper part
through the inner circuit (the by-pass). This circuit of the radiator, is cooled and then sucked by the
covers the eng_ne and car heater. The thermostat pump out from the lower part of the radiator from
' 2. 5O