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__ n _ CHECKING ' _oo 1. _eagure the regigtançe be_een the termina_ pins and compare with fhe table, see Fig. 2-94. 40O .'., AUXILIARY AIR REGULATOR '' 3OO _EpLAC_NG ' 1. Drain offthe coolant. _ 2. Remove the air hoses from the auKiliay air 2OO regu_ator. ungçrew the F__K__ng gçrewg and draw ., out the regulator. ' 3. Fit a new sealing ring and screw on the new _ lOO _' regulator +1O +2O +3O +4O ' __ v,e?,,,_ 4. Re-fit the air hoseg and fill with coolant. i Flg. 2-93. Realatan_e In temper$ture eeneorlor InduGtlon $lr . '.. CHECKING '_. 1. Run the engine warm (approK. 8OOC=176'_. ',._ Read oM the idling speed. After that pull off '.' iE_pERAiuRE SeNSoR __ the hose behNeen the inlet duct and the auK- . i_ooiANij iliary air regulator. Cover the hose opening ; with the hand. REPLACING 2. Cheç_ that the gpeed doeg not drop not__ceab_y '_.. 1. Drain offthe coolant. in re_at_on tothe F_rgt read_ng. - 2_ Pult oUt the plug ContaCt ffom the sensor. 3. _F _t doeg drop not_çeab_y. there mugt be a _ea_ '._. Screw out and replace the sensor. Do not for- _n the au____ary a_r regu_ator, wh_çh ghou_d be getthe eealing ring. rep_açed. -._ 3. Re-fit the plug contact and fill with coolant. -.. PRESSURE SENSOR - 1. Pull outthe four-way plug. _' n Remove the hoge from the preggure gengor. 5OOO 2. Undo fhe three fiKjng gçrewg holding the preg- _ sure sensor to the wheel housing. 3. Fit the new sensor on the wheel housing. Con- 4ooo nect up the hose and re-fit the four-way plug. N. B. Do not take off the protection over the '_ hose connection until the hose has been re- _ fitted. 3OOO ZOOO CHECK_NG Measure the resistance betwen the terminal points. __he resistance should be approK. 9O ohms be- - 1ooo _' tween 7 and 15 (primarywinding). +1O +ZO _3O .+4O ApproK 35o ohmg between g and _o (geçondary '_es''__ w._nd.jng). Fig, p__ ffeai$_$nGe in_empera_urea$naor_or_ooI$n_ All other CombinatiOnS ghould give _$'' resiStanCe. a.46
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