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_ _ 3 _ 3. Slacken the crews in order to turn the throttle valve switch. Mark the intake duct at the upper screw if there is not one there already. 4. Turn the throttle valve switch clockwise as far as it can go. Then turn it slowly anti-clockwise until the pointer on the instrument goes over from the ''oo'' to ''O''. 7hen EURurn a further 1 O (1/j graduaEURion mark on scale at upper attaching screw) and secure the throttle valve switch. 5. Check to make sure that the instrument pointer goes over to ''oo'' when the throttle valve opens about 1 '. (Place a O.5O mm = O.O2'' feeler gauge UOLUO b _ th t d t th __43l e een e g Op gçreW an g Op On e Fig. __9_. Stop a_rew _or t_ro_Ie _aIve throttle valve spindle.) l Locknut 2. Stop screw 3. Stop on throttle valve spindle CHECKING THRoTT_e vA_vE Several components are connected up for the following checks. so that it is not possible to de- ADlUS7lNG EURermine with çertajnty whether the fau_t is in the 1 . Slacken the locknut for the stop screw in the throttle switch if the checks are unsatisfactory. throttle valve (1 , Fig. 2-92) and unSCfew the 1 . SwjEURçh on the jgnition. Open and ç_oge the sCrew a couple of turns so that it does not lie thrott_e va_ve g_ow_y. C_jçkjng goundg ghou_d againSt the Stop on the throttle Valve Spindle. çome from a group of injeçtorg to indiçate that CheCk tO make sure that the valve is CompIe- eKtra fue_ for aççe_eration hag been injeçted. tely ClOSed. 2. _EURart the eng__ne and run __t warm. pu__ oFF the 2. Screw the stop screw in until it touches the hoge beewen the jntake duçt and auK___ary a_r stOp on the throttle value spindle. Then sCrew regu_ator. 7he engine ghou_d now _ro____, EURhat it 1/_-1/z turn mofe and SeCure the loCknut_ ig, çhange gpeed between approK. goo and Chech to mahe sure that the throttle vatve does approK. _ ,_oo r.p.m. Thig _ndjçateg that the nOt jam Or stiCk in the ClOSed pOSition. çontaçtg in the thrott_e va_ve gwitçh are ç_oged 3. Adjust the throttle valve switch shown on page and that the section of the control unit which 2-29. N.B. ldling must not be adjusted with the regulates the closing of the fuel supply during stop screw. engine braking is functioning. THROTTLE VALVE SWITCH REPLACING 1 . Pull out the plug contact from the throttle TE_pERATuRE Se_SoR _ valve switch. Remove the two screws holding i__ij C o EURhe thrott_e va_ve gw_tçh to the _ntake duçt. U Tl N AIR_ Pull the throttle valve switch straight out. ffEPLACING _. pregg on EURhe new thrott_e va_ve gw_EURçh çareFu__y. 1 . Pull out the four-way plug from the sensor. fit the screws loosely. Connect the plug con- 2. Change the sensor. Do not tighten the new tact. Adjust the throttle valve switch according sensor too hard. ' to below. 3. Re_fit the four-way p_ug. ADlUS7lNG 1 . Connect Bosch test instrument EfAW 228. 2. Set switch ''A' 'EURo position ''Measuring'_ and CHECHING switch ''B'' to position ''Throttle valve switch Measure the regigEURançe between the termina_ ping Ill''_ and compare with the table neKt page, in Fig. 2-93. 2._45
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