Begin OCR Text: _
Fig. 2_89. Changing tuel _ilter Fig. 2_9O. Changing pressure re9UlatOr
__p_A__N_ 1 . P_açe the pinçhe_S (SVO 29O1) On the FUe_
_ C_
V _ d h F h hoSe between the hgadgf plpe and pfeSSUfe
. ean fOUn t e ÇOnneÇtlOnS O t e pU_p.
S fegU_atOf.
2. Flt plnCheJS ( VO 29O1) On the SUCtlOn and de-
_ _ b h d f h T h 2 S_açken the hoSe ç__pS and dISCOnneCt the hOSf
IVeJy IneS On Ot Sl eS O t e -plpe In t e '
_ h k S_ k h h _ Conneçt the p_eSSufe gaUge aS ShOWn In Flß
fetUfn Ine tO t g tan . aC en t e OSe C IpS '
and fe_oue the hoSeS. _e_ove _he p_ug çon- 2-91 . Re_oVe the p_nChefS.
+aç+S. 3. Run the fue_ pu_p. g_thgf by Staft_ng thg en-
' th h _d th oine of bu çonneçtIng Up teSt _nStJU_ent BOSCh
. e_OVe e SCfeWS O Ing e pU_p. _ _
EFAW 22_ and opefat_ng the pU_p Wlth thIS
4. Flt the neW pU_p. COnneCt Up hOSeS and p_Ug InStfU_ent
COntaCkS. Re_oVe the plnChefS. CheCk to _ake '
h h f d h h 4 S_açken the _oçknut and ad)USt the pfeSSUJe tO
SUfe t at t e pU_p IS UnCtlOnlng an t at t e '
d _ k 2 O kD/ç_2 (2_ D S i ) (Rep_açe feQu_atof _f
ConneCtlOnS O not ea . __ _ _' ' '_' _
pfeSSUfe IS nOt COJfeCt )
5. Fit p_nçhefS on the hOSe betWeen the headef
plpg and pfeSSUJe gaUße.
_HE_K_NG Re_ove the pfeSSufe gaugg. Flt the hOSe On
Vpu_p Shou_d be çapab_e of de__vef_ng _o the pfeSSufe ffgU_ator and tlghten the hOSe
___tfeS_h (1 1 __p. ga__S.=- 13.2 uS ga__S _h) at a çl_pS. Re_ove the p_nChfJS On the hoSe CheCk
pfeSSlufe o_ _ _p_ç__ __Q p S._._. _t t___S _Ioa_,' çuf= fOf _eakage
fent COnSU_' p_tlO_nIShoU__d_Ube 2.5la__pS._
N.B. The pU_p IS pO_e-SenSltIVe. ObSefVe Cafe
When teStlnß a dISConneCted pU_p.
1 P_aCe the F_nCheJS (SVO 29O1) On thC l_OSCS
ngKt tO thf pfgSSUJe fegU_atOf, See Flg. 2-9O.
2. S_aCken the hoSf C_IpS and Je_OVe the hOSeS.
RefrlOve the nUt hO_d_ng the fegU_atOJ.
3. Flt the neW JfgU_atOf and SeCUfe Wlth the nUt.
F_t the hoSeS and t_ghten Up the hOSe Ç__pS. _, ._ ,,
4 Re_ove the p_nçhgfS and ÇhgÇk fof leakagg. Fig. 2-91. Connecting preSSUre 9aUge