Begin OCR Text: _
A__ eleÇtf__çal ÇO_pO_e_e5 l_ the e_eÇefO__Ç __j'eÇ_ _
t_o_ 5y5te_ a_e _ou_ted a 5peç a_ çab_ haf_e
l_ l e S5
W_th _u_befed Çab_e5 The ÇO__eÇt_O_5 betWeeFq 6
the Cable haf_eSS a_d CO_pO_e_tS afe Of the SO_ _
ç __ed __A p__ p_ e wh çh ak f d
a _ uß ype_ 1 _ e5 Of gOO
eleCtFICal CO_taCt aS Well aS fapld fe_OVal a_d L
flttl_ß Of the VaflOuS Çab_e5 The F_ug5 afe pfOV_ded 3
t_ g et5 e e_5 fop 5t __ e th
Wl _ fO__ O Ufe F ef l_ a a _O_ l_ e
VaflOUS CO_pO_e_tS CheCk that fhe gfO__et e__ 2
tefS the CUt_OUt O_ the CO_tfOl U__t befOfe pU5hj_ß _
__ the haf_e55 p_uß f_f__y The ÇO__eÇtjO_5 afe
COVefed by fUbbef pfOteCtOfS WhICh aISO SefVe fOf _ __I
IOÇkl_g pUfpOSeS TheSe pfOteCtOfS afe fe_OVed _ _ _ _ _ _ __
rl_ _ w _gn_ln_ _l__gr_ _ _
by pUIII_ß the IteO_gUe5II j FOa_ __a0__o f___gf 6 _6___0_ef
_ _ __ 2 ACtIVe CaJbOn 7 Conngftlon to
3 Fe_t In_et dUCt
4 WifÆ gaUZe 8 ConneCtion fro_
5 Pg_fOfatfd __ate e__anS_on Cann_gtef
1 2
3 _,_,,_,_,
Fl0. 2-j0. Ven__n_ _l__gr_ gar_v _rod.
_ COnnOCtlOn tO
__n_et dUCt
2 Conngf1lOn ffo_ e_Çlang_on fonta_nef
3 AttaC__ng SOfgW
_AS EVAPORAT_VE _ONTROL Flg Z0_ E_DanD_On eon_a_ngf_ _ _ .
_YSTE_ _l CC
OnneCtlOn ffO_ _
L OnngCtlOn ffo_ l_ ef tUbe
Veh_ÇJe5 __ee_ded fof the U _ A afkee a e f_eted _ ConngCtlon lo Ventlng f_ltff_ _
Wlth a ßaS eVaFOfatIVe CO_tfOl Sy_5te__ Wh___çh pfe_
VelltS gaS fU_eS ffO_ bel_ß felea5ed l_tO the at_
_O5Fhefe The 5y5te_ ÇO_5j5e5 Of a_ eKpa_5_O_
Ca__lStef a_d a Ve_tl_g f__eeF_ Wh_Çh _5 f__Jed W_th
aCtIVe CafbO_ Al5O l_ÇIuded afe ehe ÇO__eÇe__O_
hO5eS betWee_ the Vaf__Ou5 ÇO_pO_e_f5 The Ve_e_ _a5 fu_e5 fOf___g __ ehe heF_et_çaJ_y 5ea_ed ea_k_
l_ß flltef l5 lOCated behl_d the fad_atOf gf___e_ 5ee paftlçu_aF_y duf__ß Waf_ Weathef_ afe ÇO_Veyed tO
flß5 2_7ß a_d 2_8O The eKpa_5_O_ çO_ta__ef _5 ehe eKF3_5jO_ ÇO_fa__ef (2_ f_g 2_82) a_d ffO_
plaÇed tO ehe left _l_ the _ußßage bOOt_ _eXt tO the thefe tO the Ve_t__ß f__tef (4) Whefe they afe __Xed
flllef plpe_ See flß 2_81 W_th the aÇe_Ve ÇafbO_ 2 35