Begin OCR Text:
WhICh, at 6O _ (_4O_I F), ço___ete_y g_utg o__ t_e
through-flow area'
' f'
TRl__ER___ _O_TA_T_
BelOw the çentrjfuga_ oouernor _n t_e __gtr__utor
there IS a contact dev__çe w_th two tr__ggeUr_ngUçon-
tacts. see Fig _-_3
The COntacts are açEURuated by a ça_ on the _jgfr__
bUtof Sha_ U
The fUnCt_on of thege çoneaçtS _g to Supp_y _nfor
_atlOn to the çontro_ un_t about eng_ne gpee_ to
uo_uo enable the Contro_ unjt to determ_ne parf_y wUhen
l044_ t_e _n)_eçt_on ghou_d begjn a d t_ th d
Fig. h71. Au_il_ary a_r regu_g_or _F th n Par Y e UratlOn
O e InJeCtlOn Wlth the hetp Of Informatjon from
the pressure senSor
The aUKlllary aIf regu_ator _g p_açed at the Front
end o( the çy__nder head and hag _eg çap____ary fu_e The SyStfm IS fItted WIEURh two femperature SengorS,
_roieçt_n_ _nto the çoo_ant gygtem. gee __g
' ____
U One fOr cOO_anEUR and one for infake a_r T_e çoo_anf
T_he' regu__afor o_eraf_n' o range _,g fro'm -__L _ temperature sensor prov_deS the çontro__ un_t _,th
(-_3 F), fu__y open,
_to +6oc _ r_4o F)
__Fu___y InfOfmatIon abouf fhe çoo_ant temperature So that
U ' ' the Control un_t can adape the _njeçf_on _nterva_ and
At ço_d Sfare, the au____ary a_r regu_afor openS (how aISO detefmIne how _ong fhe ço_d gfart va_ve ghou__
muçh w___ depend on the temperat'ure) and adm_fg be OFen at Cold gfart
addjtiona_ a_r _neo fhe _n_ef _uçt _ra_ua__y ag the The Intahe aIr temperaEURure gengor prov,deg the
eng_ne heatg up, the çap___Uary tuU_e
Ur_ _._g 2-_2) COntfOl unit wlth _nformafjon about the tempera-
eKpandS and preggeg baçk the reUgu_a'tor' g__de (2j tUrf Of the _ntahe air go ehaf fhe çontro_ unif çan
InCJeaSe the injeCtlon quant_tu gomewhat at _ow
Intake aIr temperature Th_S ç'omoenSat_on çeaSeS
When the temperature of EURhe _nta_ke a_r _g grea_er
than +2O _ (6g f)
The COOlant temperature gengor ig _oçated at the
frOnt end of the çy__nder head. gee F_g 2-_d. an_
the lntake a_r temperafure genSor at the rear
_end oUF
the a_r cleaner. see fig 2-__
The part Of the temperature gengor Seng_t_ve to
temperature var_aEUR_on ig a gemi_çonduçtor w_th
negatIVe temperatUfe çoeffiçienf, that ,g, the re-
SIStanCe dfopg w_th inçreag_no temoeraeure ___e
reSIStan Ce alterS Cong_derab_y_ befw_een d_fFer'e_nf
tempefatures for eKamp_e, the temperature gen-
SOf haS at _2O _ (4 F) a reg_gtançe oF __ooo
OhmS, but at 6O _ (_4O_ f) on_y 6Oo ohmg
f_9 2-72 Au__liary air regu_a_or
l Capillary _ube
2 Regulator slide
3 Au_1liary air pipe
4 Return spring Z 31