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influenced by atmospheric pressure Th_s permits the armature ( 1 1 ) to move further to the right In th is pos_t_on with the armature at the e_treme r_ght, the pressure sensor informs the control un _t that ma_imum poss_ ble fuel can now be _njected When the engine starts and the underpressure from the eng ine _ nlet duct i nfluences the left-hand s_de of the d_aphragm (8), atmospher_c pressure forces the d_aphragm over to the part_load stop (1 O) At the same t_me. the d _aphragm bel lows (7) e_pand s_nce they are _ nfl uenced by the under- pressure inside the pressure sensor and they move the armature a bit to the l_ft Dependi ng upon the v,,o,__u pressure in the _n let duct (eng1ne load) the arma- Fl$. 2_69. Pressure senGDr ture adjusts jtse_f to different positions dur_ng driv1ng. At ful l-throttle driv_ng, the pressure in the _ nlet duct w_ l be almost equal to the atmospher_c pressure, at which po_nt the armature takes up the same pos i- t_on as when the eng _ne starts The pressure sensor, f_g 2-7O, _s bu ilt into a l _ght- The funct_on of the valve (1 3) is to prevent pres- al loy hous ing sure _mpu Ises _n the inlet duct (from the piston mo- When the eng ine 1s sw_tched off, atmospher_c vement) from being conveyed _nto the pressure pressure e_ists on both s_des of the d iaphragm sensor This valve has a smal l hole wh _ch con- (8) and the movable armature (1 1 ), wh_ch is sus- stricts the impu Ises Dur_ng sudden acceleration, pended fr_ction-free _n both leaf springs (3 and 6), when a_r wil l rush into the pressure sensor. the 1s pressed aga1nst the ful l-load stop (9) by the hote in the va Ive is insufficient to cope with th is so spr_ ng (2) Moreover, both the deflated d _aphragm that the ent_ re valve is moved by spr_ng pressure bel lows (7) are pressed together, s ince they are away from the open ing and a _r _s al lowed to enter 1 2 3 _ _ 6 _ 8 Fig. 2=1O Pressure aensor l Damp_ng spring 2 Co_ l spring 3 Leaf spring (suspension) 4 Seconday winding ) 5 Primay winding 6 Leaf spring (suspension) 7 Diaphragm bellows 8 Diaphraam 9 Full_load stop IO Part_load stop I l Armature l2 _lectric connection 13 Valve l 4 Hose connection 2 3O
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