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v__j __jj ) fig. 2_66. Cold gta_ va_ve F_g _4g. ___D__e vg_ve gw___h l Mag_e_i_ wi__iog _ __i_p _oo_a__g 2 RetU__ gp__og _ _w____ pa__ (o_ aooe_e_a_._oo Fuo___oo 3 Magneti_ a__a_u_e 3 _o_oe___oo w___ ___o___e gp._od_e 4 PaCk_og 4 _w___o_ pa___ Fo_ Fue_ g_u_ oiF (uoo__oo THROTTLE VALVE SWIT_H add_t_onal injections wi__ ta_e p_ace and how muçh The thrott_e va_ve ,w_eçh _, mou,ted o, the ,n_et the in)ection _nterval has to be eKtended) Throee_e duct and is ço,,eçted to the th,oet_e ,ha Ft _e has feduction oPens the contacts (2) to prevent the ewo funçe_o,,. to ,e,d _mpu_,e, to ehe ço,t,o_ u,_t COntrol un_t from rece_u_ng _mpu_ses fo, ''e_e,a to _nçrea,e ehe Fue_ supp_y du,_ng a,çe_e,at_,o,, ,,d fuel ' when the air throttle ualue is ç_osed to send _mpu_se, to ehe çone,o_ ,,,t to ,hut oFF t_e Easing up on the accelerator pedal çau,e, ehe çon- fuel supp_y du,_,g e,g_,e b,a__,g taCtS (4) to come together and th_s suppl_es the Duri,g aççe_e,ae_o,, the ,w_tçhes (2. F_g 2-6g), COnt,Ol un_t with information that the a_r thrott_e a,e p,e,,ed togethe, Th_s ç,t, ,, the ç,,ç,,t ,o VaIVe _s closed that current F_ow, F,om o,e c_w_t,h t, th, ,eh,, A, l( the speed _s h_gh_r than 1 7oo r p m when the the s__p ço,taçt move aç,o,, the z_g-zag, ehe SWltches (4) are closed, the control un_t shue, off ço_t,o_ u,_t reçe_ve, _mpu_se,, ehe,, ,,mbe, a,d fuel _nject_on unt_l the speed drops to aboue _ooo rap_diey _nfo,m_,g the ço,t,o_ u,_t how m,çh ,dd,- f P m At thiS speed. fuel supply _s sw_tçhed on tIo_al fue_ i, to be _,)eçeed (thae _s, how ma,y agaln to p,ovide a smooth tran,_t_o, to _d__,g SPeed When the eng_ne _s cold. the speed limits are InCreaSed by 3OO r p m (that _s, 2ooo r p m and 13OO r_P m respectively) Naturally fue_ _n)eç- tlOn IS engaged immed_ately whe, the aççe_e,ator Pedal _s dePressed and the contacts (4) ope, be- fore the speed drops to 1 OOO r p m I, PRESSURE SEMSoR _ Tho_ pressure sensor senses the pressu,e _, ehe lnlet du Ct and, by perm_tting pressu,e uar_ae_o,, eo _nftuence the armature in the transfo,me, a,d ,o alter the transformer _nductance. the p,e,,u,e ,e,- SOf informs the control un_t about the _oad o, the eng_ne The pressure sensor is located on ehe r_ghe whee_ ? ''' hous_ng and _s connected to the _n_et duçt by Flg_ 2-67_ _hrottle valve switch mean, of a hose, ,ee f_g 2-6g 2 29
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