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_he ço_d gtart ua_ve. which is mounted in the inlet
duçt a_er the air thfottle, provideS the engine
1 with eKtra fuel during cold starfing. The injeCt_On
ti_e ig governed by the control unit whiCh, in itS
turn. reçeiveg infofmation ffo_ the Coolant tem-
peratufe SenSof.
_ At -2o
' _ (_' F) and colder. the cold start valve
prov__deg eKtra Fue_ _or _o Seçondg, and at +55U _
(_32' f) the valve stops prouiding the engine with
eKtra fuel at starting.
_he çold gtart valve will only inject when the starter
3 motor is running. When the engine is funning and
the gtarter motor has been shut off before the
injeçtion interval governed by the Contfol Unit iS
çomp_eted, the cold start value also ceases injeCt-
ing fuel.
4 _he çold start valve consists of a hous_ng contain-
ing g magnetiç winding and an armature togethef
with return spring and packing, see fig. 2-65. _
Fig. 2_. l_je_tor