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____ PRESSURE RE_ULATOR , The pressure regulator _s placed on a braCke_ moUnted on the Caf heater, See f_g 2-6_. a_d _s ConneCted to the d_stributing p_pe The pressure fegulator _s a fully mechanical regulator wh_ch çon- trols the pressure _n the fuel l_nes to 2 O kp/cm2 (28 p s _ ) ' When the pressure goes below 2 hp/cm2 (2g p s i ), , the valve (1, f_g 2-62) closes Once the pressure _ has e_ceeded 2 kp/cm2 (28 p s _ ) the va_ve opens i and releases eKcess fuel _nto the retur_ __ne to , the tank
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