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When the pU_p gfaftg to oDefate a_d if thefe __ a_f _n _t_ the a_f _S pfessgd 'out into the oveff_ow Ilne V_a the Cofu__ in the Digfon (_, Fio. 2-5g). _he COlU_n iS nOt _afgg gnouoh' to a__o'w a___ the fule_ __e pU_p Can pfOdUçg fo _pagg, go fhat, when' 'a__f IS e_pelled, thg pigtOn ig fofçed baÇk towafdg the Seat and SeaIS, WhiIe the out_ef çhanne_ (__, F_g. 2-59) OpenS. Whgn the pu_D ghutg off a'nd the PfeSSUfe dfOpS, the piston ig_fofçed fofwafdg and ClOSeS the OUf_gf Çhanng_ when the Dfeggufe hag dfOpped tO abouf _.2 kp/ç_2 (1_ D.g._i.), the ga_e pOSit_On aS dUf_ng thg ven'tino. '_ho_u_d tlhe Dfeggufe fOf SO_e feagon of othef du_f_n_ oDefafion_e_çee_ _c__,L__.,n about q.5 kDJÇ_2 (64 D.g.i.), thef_e __ay _e a Fau_t __n the pfeSSUf_g' fegu'Jato_f, fuel_ __ne b_oçkaU_e, e'tç.,'fhe StfOng Spf_ng _g çO_Ffegggd and the D_igton o_eng F__g. _-_. _o___o_ _e_gy _o__ee_._o__ and feleaSeS fUeJ info fhe fetufn __ine (___, _fig. 2_5g)_ t FUE_ F___E_ The fUel f_ltef _g _ounted in the guçtion __ne be_ tWeen the tank and fue_ pu_D. gee fio. 2-5_. _t __g a papef type flltff and ghou'_d be fe_D_aÇed affef 2O,OOO k_ (12,5OO ___eg). _ ELE_____ FUEL _U__ 7he eleCtfIC fUef pu_p ig _ounfed undef fhe ve- h_Cle at the ffont end of fhe fue_ tank, gee Fj_g. 2-58. PU_p and _Ofof afe ençfoged and çannot be dIS_antled fOf fepaifg. fue_ ç_fçuJateg jng_de the _OtOf SO tha( the fOfof and bfugheg oDefafe _n the FUe_. _ V_oO4L4V_O The pu_D hag a Ço_bined fe__ef an_ non-fe+ufn Fig. 2_58. Fuel pu_p VaIVe Wh'_çh a_go gefveg fof ventinff Uan_ aif 'tha_ _lßht haVe been dfawn in dufino fh_e id_Iing of the' pU_p, See fIgS. 2-58 and 2-6O. _ The pU_p WIll fUn on_y fof 1-2 geçondg when fhe IgnltlOn _S SW_tçhed On. Th_g _g to Dfevent the en- glne ffO_ be_ng flIIed With petfol by' a _eak_no Ço_d Staft VaIVe Of _n)eCtOf. The pu_p thefeaftef o_Defa- teS Only When the Staftgf _otof enoaoeg of w_ hen the englne IS fUnnIng. _ _ Fig. 2-5l. Fuel fi__e_ ''_''_' 2__25
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