Begin OCR Text: _
F u E _ _ y _ _ E _
DE____ ___ O_
The fuel system for the B 2O E eng_ne is an elec- au_il_ary air regulator, temperature sensors (_nduc-
tronically controlled fuel _njection system tion air and coolant), pressure sensor (for pressure
The system _s made up of the following un_ts fuel _n _nlet duct). trigger_ng contacts in _gnition d_stri-
filter. electr_c fuel pump, pressure reguIator, fuel butor and the electron_c control unit. see Fig 2-53
_njectors, cold start valve. inlet duct, throttle valve, 1Cl
16 l5) Il_ 13 1I2 1l1
_ _ _ _ _ , v
InductiDn a'r Induction air fuel l_ne Fuel l__e fue_ _ ne _'''
before air after a_r feed pressure Inducton return to tank
___o___e va_ve ___o___e va_ve 2 kpJom_ (2g p 6 i ) _i_e
Flg 2-53 Fuel In_eGllon syatem. prlnclple of operatlon _
l A1r cleaner 7 Pressure sensor 14 Oistr_butor with trigger_ng
2 TemperatLIre sensor for 8 Control unit contacts
induct1on air 9 Battey If Injectors
3 Throttle valve lO fuel tank 16 Temp sensor for
4 Throttle sw_tch ll FuaI f1lter ooolant
5 Cold start valve 12 Fuel pump l7 Au_il_ary air regulator
6 Inlet duct l3 Pressure regulator 18 Idling ad)ustment screw 2 23