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__ Flg 2-51. Ol$trlbutor drlve po$Itlon A=appro_ f' Flg 2_f2 Del_very plpe $e_ll_g r_ngs OlLWAY_ FlTTIN_ THE OlL PUMP BgFOfg belnß F_tted, a__ the Ol_Wayg _USt be C_eaned When NO _ Cy_l_dgf IS at to_ dead Centgf, Flt thg Vefy thOfOUßh_y tO aVold da_aße tO the beaflnßS, ol_ ÇtU__ dfIVe and dIStflbUtOf The g_a__ F7aft at thg beaflnß _OUfna_S and Othef CO_ÇtOnentS ßfOOVe IS tUfned Ob_lqUe_y UÇlWafdS-baCkWafdS and TO C_gan the Çv_lndef b_oCk Ol_WayS, fenloVe thg the OfOOVe Set at an anß_e oF 5O tO the _OnßltUdlna_ Sea_lno Ft_UßS A _Ftgf C_eanlnß and dfylnß Wlth COnl- a_lS-OF thg enßlng, Seg FlO 2_5_ (A) Makg SUfe _feSSg Vd alf, Flt neW __UßS that thg ShaFt ßOeS dOWn VlntO ItS ßfOOVg In thg _U__ Sha_. (N B When the tl_lnß ßeaf _afkS afe O_FtOSlte gaCh Othgf, thgn the ÇtIStOn FOf NO 4 Cy_lndgf IS In the tO_ dgad Çgntef ÇtOSltlOn, Flflno 0OgltlOn ) 2 22 V _
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