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_ _ v p_a up_ _jv _e j_g b_ oo Fdj _y gje_ __e __ g o34_ __ _vH pa eo ua_ __ ve je p_o bj ao ____ p_pe o_vo _ ha _ fy h d dF_g _ f_ _ b bj jje jjg$ _u Tj__g b_o ho__ __g_ F_ o_egjg_o he F _ o _o OlL PUMP AND RELIEF VALVE Aftef the ÇtU__ haS bee_ dIS_a_tled a_d Cle3_ed_ CheÇk that all the _aftS afe l_ ßOOd ÇO_dltlO_ TeSt the fellef VaIVe S_fl_ß (2_ flß 2_49)_ See SÇteClfl_ Çat_O_S_I fOf the VaIUeS ÇO_Cef_ed CheCk that the fOOth fla_k Cleafa_Ce IS O 1fO 35 __ CO OO6_O O14 )_ See Fl9' 2_5O MeaSUfe the e_d flOat_ O O2_O 1O __ (O OOO_ O OO4Oll)_ Wlth a feelef ßaUße a_d a _eW COUef Of the Old O_e If _Ot _OtICeably WOf_ If the bUSheS Of Shaft afe WOf__ feÇtlaCe t e_ Wlth CleW O_eS Ote fhaf the dfIVl_ß Shaft Wlth ßeaf IS feÇllaCed aS a S__ß_e U__t_ The _eW buSheS ShOuld be fea_ed aftef ____ F7feSSlflß l_ Wlth a fea_ef _fOVlded Wlth a ÇtIIOt ______ l_ d __g_ ___ _e_o___g o__ ____ej ßUl e _ __ _ l l _ l_ The Seall_ß fl_ßS at the e_dS Of the delIVefy Ftl_e afe _a e O SÇteCla fU bef a_d afe _a_U aCtUfed tO Vefy ClOSe tOlefa_CeS See flß 2_52 USe O_ly_ ßellUl_e VOIVO _aftS The delIVefy FtIF7e _USt be C a__e l_ ItS COffeCf ÇtOSltIO_ IfSt IfI t e Ol _U__ a_d t e_ the Oll _U__ a_d F7lÇ7e tOßethef Cla__ed aßal_St the OCk he _U_Çt CO__eCtl_ß fl3_ße ShOUId IIe fIUSh aßaI_St the blOCk befOfe bel_ß tlßhte_ed _efOfe belflß f_tted_ the fUbbef fl_ßS O_ t e _l_e Ca_ e COated Wlth SOa_y Watef Sl_Çe thIS e_ableS the ÇtIFte tO take U_ ItS ÇtOSltlO_ _Ofe eaSIly TaÇt __ßhtly O_ the ÇtlÇte W_th a SOft _a_jet _f _eÇeS_ 2 21
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