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The eng_ne has a force feed tubricating system see pump through the o__ f__ter and then through o__
f_g 2 44 Pressure is provided by a gear pump ways out to the var_ous _ubr_çat_ng po_nts A__ the
dr_ven from the camshaft and fitted under the oiI suppf_ed to the _ubriçat_ng po_nts there Fore F_rst
CrankShaff _n the sump The gear pump forces the passes through the o__ fi_ter
o_l past the rel_ef valve, wh_ch _s also f_tted on the
Ig 2_ Lubric_l_ng _y_tem
O l pump
3 Nozzle
4 Oil fil_er
The oil pump see fig 2-45, is of the gear type a__d The o_l f1lter (see Fig 2-46) wh_ch _s manufactured
_s driven through a gear traln from the camshaft as a single un_t complete with element. is of the
The del_very p_pe from the pump to the cyl_nder full-flow type and _s screwed directly onto the cyf_n-
block does not have screw un_ons and _s therefore der block The o_l wh_ch _s fed out to the var_ous
automat_cally tightened _n pos_t_on when the attach_ lubricating po1nts _n the eng_ne f_rst passes through
ing bolts for the pump are tightened At each end the o_l f_lter element which _s made oF speci3l pa-
of the pipe there are seal_ng r_ngs made of speci_l per In the o_l f_lter there is a by-pass valve wh_ch
rubber The reI_ef valve is fitted d_rectly on the allows the o_l to by-pass the element _f res_stance
pump ano' cons_sts of a spring-loaded ball The ball to flow should become e_cess_ve When replacing
has a cyl_ndrical gu_de w1th a stop at the end pos_- the f_lter, the old one is discarded completely and
tion and, therefore oper8tes fle__bly Even at _dling a new one f_tted
speed there is a certain amount of overflow so that
the o_l pressure _s then relatively low 2 19