Begin OCR Text:
FIg. 2-38. Removlng cam_ha*t gear VlOO3L7V8O5
sleeve is not jammed. Check after final tighten-
ing of fhe casing that the sleeve can be easi7y
rotated without j3mming.
7. Fit a new felt ring, washer and circlip. Push
them into their position with the cenfering
sleeve SVO 2348 Check that the circlip has
Fig. Z_36. Cenlerlng timing gear caeln$ _
engaged in its groove.
8. fit the other parts and tension the fan beIt. See
3. Remove the timing gear casing. Slacken a _Specificat_ons'' for the tightening torque. fiK
couple of eKtra bolts for the sump and be care- the stabiIizer attachments firmly to the frame.
ful not to damage the gasket. Remove the cir-
clip, washer and felt ring from the casing. REPLACING THE TIMING GEARS
4. Make SUre that the gaSket are In ßOOd COndl-
t_ d th t th d h _ _ d _ 1 Drain off the Coolant and remoVe the CoVer plate
IOn an a e raln O e IS Open an C ean '
_ _d the t_m_ gear c3 _ h_ch _ t be and radiatOr
Insl e l Ing 5lng W l Is O '
f_tted. see Fig. 2_35. 2. Cafy oUt operationS 1-3 in previoUS SeCtion_
5. P_açe the caging in pogition and fit the bo_tg 3. Remove the hub from the crankshaft with puller
without t_ghtening t_, _. SVO 244O. See fig. 2-37.
6 C t the ca th g_ Svo 243g g Befofe applying the tOol itS lafge nUt mUSt be
. en er Slng Wl eeVe , ee '
F_ 2 36 __ th g_e h__ t_ ht _ d SÇrewgd baCkWards SO that the COne iS nOt ten-
Ig. _ . Urn e eVe W l e lß enlng an
d_ t th _t oF th g_ th t th Sloned The Center bolt ShoUld aISo be SCfeWed
a _US e pOSl lOn e Ca Inß SO a e _
Then fit the tool, screw in the large nuf so
that the hub is firmly held and pull it off by
screwing in the center bolt.
4. Remove the camshaff nut and pull off the gear
by using uller SVO 225O. see fig. 2-38.
5. Pul1 off the crankshaft gear by using puller SVO
24O5, Fig. 2-39. Screw out the oil nozzIe. blow it
clean and then re-fit it as shown in Fig. 2_42.
The gears are Iubricated by oil fed through this
6. Fit fhe crankshaft gear by using tool SVO 24O7
and the camshaft gear by using SVO 24O8, see
Figs. 2-4O and 2-41 . Fit the hub on the cranh-
shaft. Do not push the camshaft backwards so
_._??,' that the seal washer on the rear end Ioosens.
Flg. z_37. Removing hub on cr8n__ha*t CheCk that geafS are In the CorreCt poSifion
2. 17