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vo_vo _____ ___ _ _ Flg. 2_3Z. fi___g pig_o_ l' '8 __g(a__a(_.o_ ___g _vo _g_3 Flg_ 2-33. B_arlrIg jour_al CRANK_ HAF_ FU1_y fO__OWgd in ofdef to engufe çoffeçf ç_eafançe AFfef ehe çfankghafe h3g been ç_eane_, i_g __oufna_g Wlth feady-_aÇhined bgaf_no gheJ_g _Ugt bg _eagufed w_th a __çfo_e_e_f __eaguf_n'g On nO aCCOU_f _USt the beVafino ghe__g be ghaved ghou_d be çaff_ed ouf af gevefa_ _o_nfg foun_ +_e Of thg beaflna Capg f_lgd V Ç_fçu_Fefençe and a_ono fhe _on__itu__na_ aK__g '_oF The Fll_gtS at the endg OF the )oufnaJg ghou_d have gaÇh ioufna_ Oue-of_foun_dnegg on _+__ ___in' _eaf_ng' a fadIUS Of 2 O_2 5 __ (O O_O_O 1 OO'') on a__ iouf- )OUfna'_ ghou_d nof eKçeed O O5 ____V (_______lI), an_ nalS, See fla 2-33 The W_dfh _gagufe'_enf (A') fo_ O OJ __ (O OO3'') on the b_o end beafliVngVV_)oulfnaig_ thg pllOt beaflna dgpendg On fhe gize of the 'iou'fna_ _apgf ghou_d no'f eKçeed O _O5 ___ (_ ___Il) on an' y and ShOUld be gfOUnd in ofdgf to obtain the ç' offeçf of ehe ioufna_g _ lV VV_ 1 _eaSUfg_gnt _f fhe v_ a_ueg obta_ned afe ç_oge to of eKçee_ +_e Aftef ßflndlna haS begn çO_p_eted, a__ fhe buff Wgaf J___t _enf_oned above, fhe çfankg_aF+ g__o'u_i_ ShOUld bg CafefUlly fe_OVgd ffo_ the o_Jwau oDen_ bg Qfound fo undefg_ze _u_tab_e ___f__g_ g'__e_i_g af'_e InßS and all thg )OUfnalg _apped wifh a fine o_f_n_dino aVaV__ab_g _n 2 undefgizeg _he _e_a____f___e_n+g'' çon_ paSte tO the flngSt pOgg_b_g guffaçe fin_Ugh Th_e çefned afe fo be found jn fhe ''_peVç__FV_ç_a+_o _ng__ CfankShaft ShOUId then be waghed A__ the o__wavg _heçk fhae the çfankgha_ _g gtfaViffh+ +'o w'_+__n n.n_ ShOUld be Cleaned Wlth pa_iÇu_af thofouohnegg __n __ (O OO2'') bv ugino a d_a_ ffauff__ ____ e çf_a_nkgV_aVF+U Ofdgf tO fg_OVe any _gfa_ çh_pp_nog and_ ofind_no ig fif_fed on/tw_o V-b__oçkg and_ a __Via_ ' g_auge p_ia_çe__ feSldUe V U _ aaalnSt the Centef beaflng joUfna_l a' ffef wh_ç'h fhUe CfankShaft IS fOtated _f ngçeggafv, gffa_ohfen fhe çfankghaFf _n a Dfegg _ U IWAIN AND BlG_END BEA__NG_ _ _n addltlOn tO gfand3fd g_zeg, beaf_nog gheJ_g afe ___ND_NG aVatlab1e In Undefgizeg of O O_ O '' andU O O2O'' The THE __ANK_HAFT _ _ __ d d h F feaf _aln Deaflng g_e g afe pfov_ e wif _anoeg BgFOfe the CfankghaFf ig ofound, a çheçk ghould be an_ _ave a iafgef w__t_ feiat_ve to f_e_f g_ze _F Ufhe _ade tO enSUfe ehaf _t _g gUtfaiohf th_g beino done ag çf___k___a_ _'ag _een güfo_un_' + +_ _ f v , _ -__-_ _ _ ü ü _O _iie COffeC _eagUfe- dgSCflbed pfeUlOUgly _f_ndi_no _g çaff_ed out _n a _en_ +_e f_g_+ _eafjng ç_eafanç f t __ ' v __ __ __ ü _ e IS aU O_a ICa y SpgCIal _aChlne Whefgbv fhe _ain beaf_no ioufnaJg ff_+__ne_ w_en +_e _eaf ng g_ __ d _ ff _ cj j v-__ _ _ __ ü l iieii COnCgfne Ig jl = and thg bla-end bg3fino j'oufnalg afe ofound fo e_ T_e _eafing g_e__g _ t t _ _ d d h - U - _ _ _ __ uS nO üg S_aVe an f e IdentICal _eaSUfe_gnfg Thege _eag(_fe_enfg çapg _ug+ neuef _e F _e_ _ e _e _ _ _ ü _ __ ü jn Ofüef O Oü aIn C Ogef WhICh afg g_Ven _n _ _Deçifiçationg'', _ugf be çafe- _eaf_ng F_+ _ _ I _ 2 __ 1 5
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