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W_o__S_ iW__i FIg. 2_3O CheckIng Gonnettlng rod Flg. 2_20. _udgeon _ln flt _ ho_e ghoU_d Fifgt bg fganlgd OUt to the COfFeCt CTlea- Dointg Fofwafdg, gge FlQ 2=3_ Thefe w_ll be a lOUd gufe_ent uge a fea_ef F_ttgd Wikh a ßl_Ot OUlde and 'noige if khe Digkon ig Vkufned the wfonO Wav Thg on_v takg S_a_j CUtS at a tl_e U ÇonneÇtino fo'd _afklng ghoU_d FaÇg aW_ay Ffo__ the Thg_ Flt IS ÇoffeCt Whgn the gUdßgOn ßln Can be Ça_ghaF_ Vgldg The oUdßeon ßlnS afg then Flttgd, the ßuShgd thfoUßh thg hO_e by hand Wlth _lght fg- ÇlfCjißg ßjaCgd In ßVOSltlon and the ßIStOn flngS In- SIStanCe Staj_gd uge Digkon flno ß_lgfS Fof Flttlno the flnßg Thg _o__E_____ _oD_ Ußßef' CO_ßfggVSlOn Flng IS ChfOV_ed P_3Cg khg bD_f_n_ _hD___ _n thD_f gD_t_ TUfn thD f_n_g __ thak REPLACING THE BuSHES thVe-lf gYaß-S -af-e nOt OVßßO-S-lte- One anOVthgf _LU-b-fICatg _f khe o_d bugh _n a ÇonneÇt_no fod ig wofn, Dfegg _t the ßIStOn and beaflng SUffaCgS out bu ugino df_fk SVO __6J_ and Dfegg jn_ a new USg InStallatlOn flng SVO 2823, See Flß 2-32, When bugh _with th_e ga_e too_. gee F_o 2_-20 _3ke gufe flttlng the ßIStOn and a tOfqUe WfenCh, See ''SßeCl t_a_ __D _ubf_____n_ ho_D_ in_eK w____ _hD h__e_ in the fICat_Ong'' fOf khg COffeCt tlghtenlnQ tOfqUg C_on_n_g_CVtlng fO--d_ T_hen 'f-e-a__thg bU__Sh_ tVO tVhg -COffgCk V flt The ßUdßeOn ßln ShOU_d Sjldg thfOUßh the hO_e Undgf _lßht thU_b ßfeSSUfe bUt WlthOUt any nOtICe- ab_g _OOSeneSS, See Flg 2-29 ST_AIGH7EN_WG _eFofe bglno Fltted, khg COnneÇtlnQ fOd ShoU_d be ÇheCked Fof- StfalßhtneSS, tWISt anVd any S-dIStOf- tlOn Stfalghten IF ngCeSSafy. Seg Flg 2-3O NUkS and bo_tS ghoUld bg feß_aCed Wlth neW ongS When feCOndltlOnlng IS bglnQ Caffled oUt ASSEMBL_NG AND FV_TT_NG P_STON AND _ONNECTING ROD When aSSe_b_lnß _ake SUfe khat thg ßlgtOn IS f3C- _o_3L_v_o_ Inß COffeCt_y SO that the S_Ok On the ßIStOn CfOWn Fig. 2-S1 Marklng Dn pIston and bloGk 2_ _4
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