Begin OCR Text:
vo_v__u_ _
A_D _R__D___ _HE ffO_KEff ARMS
1 _ _f Wea_ a_Ou_t5 tO O__ __ (O OO4ll)_ fe__aÇe the
fO_Çkef_ af_ buSh U5e tOO_ _VO 186_ fOf _feSS_
___ fhQ b_Sh Out a_d ___ See F_ß 2_23 _he_
_F_Q___ tVhe
_bu5h tO a_ aÇÇufate f_t O_ the 5haft
__V_____ß a 5ujtab_e fea_ef _he hO_e j_ the bUSh
_SVhO____d ÇOj_Ç_de W_th the hO_e j_ the fOÇkef af__
2 _f _e_Çe55afy ßf__d the _feS5ufe 5UffaÇe aßal_5t
the Va_Ve __ a 5_eÇja_ _aÇhlfle Fjo 2-2_. _eagu_i_g _yllndeF bO_e
_ f h b
Z__ _Q _____Q_ __+ i__+ b__Dw fhe toD edOe O t e Ofe __
Fjo. 2-23. ffe_lg_j_g bUah jn _O_keF aF_ _V V_' '_
'V_ V_h
- l--- _ _ d
U f th e
_ __d O_ y j_ t e tfa_SVef5e jfeÇ jO_ O e e_ßl_ _
_A _Qttef _S 5ta__ed O_ eaÇh Çy_j_def bOfe __dlÇatl_ß _l
ADJUS____ _HE VA_VE __EAffA__E
_he Va_Ve Ç_eafa_Çe Ça_ be adj'u5ted Sat_SfaÇtOflly
W_th the e_ß__e StO_Fjed_ _ffeS_eÇt_Ve Of Whe tef
_ i5 ÇO_d Of Waf_ _he Ç_eafa_aÇe j5 the 5a_f
F__F_ bOth the ___et a_d eXhauSt Va_Ve_ Whe_ adj'USt_
__Vß_ _ _5e tWO fee_ef ßauße5_ O_e
_I_O__ O 4O __
(__O_O16_ll) th_Çk a_d the Othef
I__O__OI I O 45 __
(O O1 8Il) th_Çk _he Ç_eafa_Çe jS adj'u5ted SO that the
th___Q_t ß_a_ße Ça_ be __5efted e35j_y Wh__e the
th___Ç_kVeVf O_e
__U5t _Ot e_tef
Whe_ the __SfO_ __ NO 1 Çy___def jS at tO_ dead
Çe_tfe (the ÇO__feSSjO_ 5tfOke)_ adj_U5t VaIVeS NOS
1 _ 2 3 a_d 5 (ÇOu_ted ffO_ the ffO_t)_ a_d Wlth the
_jStO_ __ _O 4 Çy___def at tO_ dead Çe_tfe_ VaIVeS
_O5 4_ 6_ _ a_d 8
_yL__DE_ _LO_K
_hQ _V___def bOfeS afe _ea5ufed W_th a 5_eClal dlal
___dVi_V_It__F __ _hOW_ j_ f_ß_ 2_24 _eaSuf__ß ShOUld
2I__ 1_2V_