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A__ E M B Ll N_ TH E E___ N E Whgn agge_b_ I nO thg gnO _ne, FO_joW thg _ngtfuÇ- tlOnS FOf the paftS- COnCefn-ed. _heÇk thg _afk_no oF thg beaflngS aCCOfdInO tO F_ O. 2=_ 5. Thg _ajn beUaf- InßS afg _afked 1--5, and- the blg-gnd beafInOg _ 4, COUntInO FfO_ the FfOnt. - CheCk that a V_ _ ßaftS afe Cjgan and j UbfIÇatg g_ _dlno SUfFaCgS WIth Ol _ bgFOfe agSe_b__no. A_wavg ug-e _u,_o ngW gaSketS, Sßj It plnS and jOÇk WaghVefS. _ Fjg. 2-_6. __oh_e___o geque__e _o_ ty_j_de_ _egd boj_g '' '' NO adheSIVg Sh OU_d be Uggd On the Oagketg. _ - The Seajg On thg gndS OF bOth thg Oj_ VOU_D dej_Ve_ ßlßg and thg Watef ßU_p plpgS afg j'n th_g Fof_ o_F fUbbgf fIngS. TheSe fIngS, Wh ICh gea_ fadja_ _y, afe _adg OF SßeC_aj fUbbef Wjth VgfV C_oge to_efa_nCeg. Onjy gen Ulne VOjVe ßaftS gh OU_d_ be Uged. F_tt_no _g FaClj Itated by COatlng the flnOS WIth Soap go_ut__on . The flnßS afe Fltted On thg ß -Ißeg and then Dfggged IntO thgl F COffgCt pOSltIOnS beFofe thg a'ttaÇhjno bO_tS afe tlghtgned. The Olj ßU_p F_anoe ghou_d _ I Ve F_ USh agalnSf the Cyjlndef bjOÇk beFofVe t_ohtenjno. The tl_lng ßgaf CaSlng and feaf Sea_lno F_aVnog _ UgVt be aCCUfate_y Centgfed Whgn Fltt_ng. SVee UnVdef the hgadlngS _ ReßjaClng the tl_lno ogaf CaS_no' ' and " FlttIng the feaf Sga_ Ing F_ange' '-. - V Thg blg-end bgaflno bOjt5 and n Utg ghou_d be fe- ßjaCed Wlth ngW OnVeS Whgn fgCondltlon Ino. PjaCe thg felnFOfClnO bfaÇket jn ßOg_tjOn anVd t_Ohten a_ _ the bOjtS by haVnd. SCfgW Flf__v thg bOV_tg In V_oOjLjV_O h F_ h _ h d h h _ b Fl0_ Z=l7. OlI hole In tylinder head t g yW gg OUS Ing an t gn t e Ojtg In thg Cy_lndef b_ OCk. The Cyjlndgf head IS FItted Wlth the hejp oF o U Idg ßlnS (SVO 2435). The bO_tS _ USt be tlghtgnVed In thg SgqUgnCg ShOWn In FIg. 2-1 6, _n Ofdef to aVoId UnneCeSSay StfgSSeS. _heÇk that thg o_ _ ho_e (Flg. 2__ 7) FOf jUbfICatIng the fOCkef afnlg IS Çjeaf. The ßl _Ot bgaflng (5, Flß. 2-_ 8) ShOU_d bg _ UbfICated beFOfe Flttlnß Wlth hgaf-fgSl Stant bajj beafIno ofe- aSe. The beaflnO an' d ßfOteÇtlnO WaShef afg h-e_-d _n ßOSltl On by a ÇlfVCj_ß (6). - Thg _ OSt _j_pOftant bOjf and n UtS ShOU _d bg t_ Oht- gned Wlth a tOfq Ue WfgnCh, Sgg ''Tl Ohtenlno __Vof= q UeS'' In _ SßgCIFICatlOnS' ' . V - uSe a Cy_ Indef hgad gaSkgt OF the flght th ICkneSS, j j j _ i 6 j g g __ S _F t_ __ jO See ßgCl ICa l OnS . v,uç3__vg4o Flg. 2-l0. Rear end of englne l . Guide pln 6 Circlip 2. Core plug J. C_rc_jp 3 _ea_ln0 f_an0e 0 _ga__ng Waghef _ _ _ __ _ D ____ __ _ __ _ Cranksh6ft 9 F_ug _ij ttE_ _ _A ___ Uo _N l_iz Ui N l __ U __ U 5 Pilot bearin0 1 O GUide pin REMOVl_G 3_ RO___O thO h__ O_ F_f th_ _fOgS_fO _On_of, _ . _faln OFF the COOjant FfO_ thg fad_3tof and bUf_akUe_ USefVUO, Çf UaUnUkUÇagUg VenUtI__at' _Uon _anUd U_oUn IUtl On Cy_ Indef bjOCk. TO dO th I S Oßgn the CoÇk On d _StfjbUtOf. - the flght_hand Sldg OF thg gno_ne and, IF neCgg- 4. Rg_OVe thg ejgCtfIC Cab_eg FfO_ the thfOtt_e Safy, dl SCOnngCt the jOWef f-ad_atof hoge. Va_Ve, Ço_d Sta_ Ua_Ve, te_ßefatufg SengofS 2. Re_ OVg thg ßOSltIVe _ead FfO_ the battefy. Fof Coojant and Ffonl the I n_eÇtofg. _ 2 __ 9
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America